7. riko and soul

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riko and soul had been childhood friends since kindergarten

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riko and soul had been childhood friends since kindergarten. they had each others back, they did everything together.

they had sleepovers, they got into trouble together, both of them liked the same things. they did everything a pair of best friends would do.

everything change when they went into 6th grade. riko had developed a crush on a girl who he thought was the prettiest in the entire 6th grade. he talked about her nonstop, and even hung out with her but he made soul tag along, since he felt awkward with it just being them two.

soul also had interest in some girls but never really made a move to ask them out. why? he thought dating was lame and a waste of time.

one day in the 6th grade riko had asked soul for help to ask out his crush, soul being a good best friend had helped him.

one day in the 6th grade riko had asked soul for help to ask out his crush, soul being a good best friend had helped him

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6th grade, lunchtime.

"do you really think she'll like this dinky flower?" 13 year old riko asked his best friend, unsure of the gift.

"how many times do i have to tell you? yes! girls like these type of things!" soul groaned as he patted his best friends shoulder.

"how would you know? you've never even dated a girl before?" riko raised his eyebrow at soul.

soul smirked before revealing his secret.

"i've been reading porn magazines, they have the answer to literally everything."

a moment of silence passed.

"seriously?" riko asked in disbelief.

"no, wes has been giving me advice even though i never ask for it." soul said talking about his older brother.

"you're weird, seriously. you have so many girls fawning over you and yet you never make a move." riko deadpanned at soul for a second,"why?" he asked

"i don't know, i mean sure some of the girls are cute but i don't like them enough for me to want to go out with them.." soul explained as he crouched on the ground looking at ants, "besides why would i want to go out and waste time with someone i don't like romantically?" he sighs standing back up, "now that's just lame."

riko hummed as he took in soul's words.

"i guess you're right." he agreed and soul scoffed

"of course i'm right." soul cockily said and riko chuckled.

"would you ever date someone though?" riko asked, "and when the hell did you become so mature.. it's weird." he adds making a weird face at soul.

"shut up, and maybe in the future if i actually like the person." soul answers before noticing riko's crush in the distance.

"look your boo is here, ima go over there, tell me what happens yeah?" soul said as he quickly made his way to the other side of the field where his other friends were at.

soul could still see the two but he couldn't hear world they said.

he smirked as he watched riko gave his crush a flower, he could tell he was nervous by the way riko rubbed his neck and looked everywhere but the girl in front of him.

the girl accepted the flower and slightly frowned which made soul confused, then he watched as the girl walked away. it was only then when he saw the sad and disappointment look in rikos face. soul knew that it didn't go well.

soul made his way over back to riko and asked what happened.

"she rejected me." riko said, disappointment lacing his voice.

"don't worry dude, that just means she's not w--" soul was saying but was interrupted by riko.

"it's all your fault." riko said now furrowing his eyebrows at soul.

"what? my fault? how?!" soul offended, asked.

"it's always you! - they always pick you!" riko growled in anger, soul scoffed not really understanding what his best friend was saying.

"what the fuck are you talking about?" soul asked.

"she rejected me because she fucking likes YOU!" riko said shocking soul.

"how's that my fault?!" soul practically almost yelled, he caught the attention of other people who were nearby.

soon some students surrounded the two best friends, waiting to see the outcome.

riko ignoring soul's question, had charged towards soul and pushed him down to the ground.

"dude what the f-"

"every time i like someone they always end up liking you! and i'm sick of it! why you?! of all people, they like YOU!?" riko ranted as he glared down at soul who seems hurt by his words.

"dude it's not my fault they like me? are you seriously mad at ME?! i didn't even do shit, i don't even talk to the girls you've like! your an idiot! an actual idiot for getting mad over nothing! i can't control who likes me and who doesn't." soul stood up, dusting off his clothes.

riko finally noticed the crowd when he looked up, letting out a frustrating sigh and he began walking away.

"yeah walk away you bastard, you never knew how to finish something you started." soul spat angrily.

and almost in an instant riko turned around and ran towards soul throwing a hard punch to his face. the crowd gasp as soul landed back on the ground.

soul wanted to get up and do the same but knew he would be more in trouble when he got home if did end up fighting back. and he really does not have the energy to argue with his mom.

soul held he nose as blood started streaming down.

"omg soul! are you okay." a voice made it's way through the big crowd, it was rikos crush.

riko watched as his crush went past him and over to help soul. he didn't wanted to watch the scene that he found disgusting anymore so he left.

after that riko and soul stopped being friends, they didn't talk to each other, and started hating each other.

in eighth grade, the two ex friends got into another fight after school, why?

well riko had simply started a couple of rumors of soul and his new friend group that consisted of maka, black star, and tsubaki.

soul knew riko was still mad about 6th grade since he heard that some girl riko had confessed to had rejected him saying she liked someone else, it probably brought him flashbacks to 6th grade.

he confronted riko about the rumors, soul said something along the lines, "don't go making a fool of yourself again, like you did in 6th grade.. make sure the girl actually likes you, you don't wanna get rejected again, do ya?"

which added more fuel to the flame.

the two ended up in a harsher fight this time they both ended up bloody and bruised.

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