13. avoiding

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the following week was a hard week for (y/n)

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the following week was a hard week for (y/n). she found herself not being able to look at soul  in eye without having her stomach start to twist and churn.

it wasn't just eye contact that made her feel like that. it was other things that played into the role too.

like whenever he would just talk, hearing his raspy and deep voice made her feel all giddy inside. or when he would get close to her whenever she wanted to show him something on the phone.

and then when he would make physical contact with her like, touching her arms, or her shoulder.

in short it was just everything he did made her feel like she was on cloud nine.

she obviously knows what this means, but she doesn't want accept it. too many possibilities could happen.

one she could lose her friend. and two, he might not even feel the same way. she doesn't want to risk her friendship since it's something that she now treasures and hopes it'll last.

 she doesn't want to risk her friendship since it's something that she now treasures and hopes it'll last

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maka's friend group + (y/n) had went out to eat lunch on the weekend.

(y/n) did her absolutely best to avoid being alone with soul, or being near him. it seemed like she was ignoring him but she wasn't completely ignoring him. she still talked to him, just less.

now soul was completely aware of her behavior. finding it weird that she wanted to sit next to kid and liz.

he wanted to ask her if something was wrong because something was CLEARLY wrong. he was starting to overthink many things, the main one being the possibility of riko making up some dumb lie about him and her believing it.

that's highly unlikely though since her and riko still aren't on speaking terms, but still he could've said that to convince her to stop hanging out with soul.

for the rest of the day, (y/n) continued on with her actions leaving soul confused.

for the rest of the day, (y/n) continued on with her actions leaving soul confused

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unfortunately to (y/n)'s luck, she was left walking back home with soul. it was painful.

the walk was quiet and awkward like as if there as a shift between them, which there obviously was.

(y/n) walked in front of soul, and he walked behind her a few feet apart. the two of them just thinking to themselves.

once they made it her house's front gate, (y/n) shakily sighed and turned around to thank soul without giving him a warning, she immediately made her way to the door and began to unlock it.

before she even opened the door, she felt a tug at her wrist which caused her to let out a small yelp.

"are we good?" soul spoke, (y/n) looked at him and then towards the ground. the boy in front of her sighed and let go of her wrist.

"yeah, we are.." she answered, soul squinted his eyes at her hoping to meet eyes, but she never once looked up.

"are you sure.. cus, it kinda feels like you're trying to avoid me or something." soul awkwardly explained scratching the back of his neck, the girl immediately snapped her eyes to meet his, "shit, sorry about that.. i've just been thinking."

soul tilted his head hearing her explanation, "about what?" he asked concerned, "uhh just things, haha.. nothing to worry about though." she lied and soul knew that but didn't want to press any further.

"okay," was all he said. he doesn't want came over him but he let his mind take over and wrapped his arms around the girl who immediately tense and then relaxed once she returned the hug.

"y-you can always talk to me about anything, i'll be here to listen." soul facepalmed as he stuttered. the hug lasted for a minute or two.

once they had released each other, (y/n) had a smile on her face and thanked soul again for walking her and pretty much putting up with her behavior today.

from that moment, there was no more denying for (y/n) .. she indeed likes soul as more than a friend.

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