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Vaella knelt on the floor in Helaena's room and slowly swirled her index finger, watching with a content smile as Jaehaerys and Jaehaera followed its movements, their eyes wide and bright with delight. As their gazes shifted from one end of the room to another, she sang an old lullaby; something comforting. She reached out for each twin in turn, pulling them into an embrace before placing soft kisses by each ear - a gesture that brought more smiles to both sets of tiny lips.

As the lullaby reached its gentle conclusion, Vaella's voice softened into a hushed whisper. She held the twins close, her arms enveloping them in a protective embrace. "You are both so precious," Vaella murmured.

Helaena's nimble fingers worked meticulously on the delicate embroidery, her gaze alternating between her needlework and the tender moment unfolding before her. Setting aside her embroidery, Helaena rose from her seat and moved closer to Vaella and the twins. As Vaella continued to hold the twins in her arms, Helaena reached out, taking Jaehaerys into her arms.

Helaena smiled warmly as she looked at her niece. "You'll make a great mother one day soon," she said. Her voice was filled with admiration and assurance.

Vaella gave a heartfelt grin to Helaena while bouncing Jaehaera in her arms. Her gaze darted between both babies, wondering if they shared the same kind of special connection that twins were rumored to have. A wave of bittersweet nostalgia washed over her, as she was reminded of the fact that she too was a twin, Jace. She had heard tales about distinctive bonds between two siblings born together, and how nothing can break it – but she never truly felt such an inseparable relationship with him, "Helaena, would you allow for your babes to be separated when they are older?"

Helaena's conviction shone through as she responded firmly, "I would offer myself, but Blood and Cheese won't accept." The cryptic words left Vaella puzzled, her brows furrowing with concern. She couldn't comprehend the meaning behind these names and their significance.

Perplexed, Vaella paused her gentle bouncing, her grip on Jaehaera loosening slightly. "What does that mean?" she asked, her voice filled with a mix of confusion and worry. But before Helaena could provide an answer, she sighed and hastily handed Jaehaerys back to Vaella. "I need a moment to myself," Helaena muttered before hurriedly leaving the room.

Vaella watched as Helaena quickly departed, leaving her alone with the twins and a whirlwind of unanswered questions. Her mind raced, desperately seeking understanding and clarity. What could Helaena have meant by "Blood and Cheese"? And why would they have to do with the twins?

Vaella gently set both Jaehaera and Jaehaerys down on a soft blanket spread out on the floor, ensuring they were safe and comfortable. She took a deep breath, attempting to center herself amidst her troubled thoughts. She had wished she could understand Helaena so badly, but when she would say odd things like that she would not explain more.

Forcing the uncertainty aside, Vaella smiled and looked down at the twins. Jaehaera had settled back into her drowsy routine of sucking on her thumb while Jaehaerys beamed up at her with a wide grin, slightly drooling as he gurgled happily in greeting. She couldn't help but smile back. "It's just you and me, my little ones," she said softly. Taking her place between them on the blanket floor, Vaella drew both of them close into her embrace in a tight hug.

As Vaella basked in the joy of the moment, Otto's presence disrupted the tranquility of the room. His entrance went unnoticed by Vaella, her attention fully focused on the twins in her loving embrace. However, the air in the room seemed to shift as Otto's calculating gaze fell upon the scene before him.

Otto cleared his throat, his voice tinged with authority, "Princess Vaella, I apologize for the interruption, but we need to discuss urgent matters," he said, his tone demanding attention.

Startled, Vaella turned her gaze towards Otto. She untangled herself from the twins' embrace, gently placing them back on the soft blanket before rising to her feet."What is it, Otto?" Vaella asked, her voice composed.

Otto proceed to open the door allowing a servant to come into the room and watch the twins, "Come walk with me."

Vaella's curiosity was piqued as she followed Otto's lead. She glanced back at the twins, briefly ensuring they were in good hands with the servant, before stepping out of the room with Otto. The door closed behind them, enveloping them in a corridor bathed in flickering candlelight.

As they walked side by side, Otto's gaze remained forward, his eyes fixed on the path ahead. "Princess, news of the work you have done for the children of Flea Bottom has spread around the kingdom," he said, his voice hoarse. "And because of that you have caught the attention of Borros Baratheon."

"Baratheon?" Vaella repeated, her voice filled curiosity. "What does Lord Borros Baratheon want with me?"

"His Lordship Borros has expressed his desire for an audience with you," he replied. "He has four daughters of similar age and aims for them to draw inspiration from your grace and poise. He hopes that you may be able to spend a short while in their company."

Vaella's mind flickered with thoughts of Lord Borros's stern and demanding nature. Nerves tickled her belly, but she quickly quelled them. "How long will I be away?" she asked, her voice steady.

Stopping near the entrance to the gardens, Otto looked towards Vaella with a reassuring expression. "It shall only be a week or two."

"Very well," she nodded, her mind already swirling with excitement for the upcoming journey. Drawing in a deep breath, Vaella flashed a smile at Otto, oblivious to the glint in his eyes that betrayed a concealed agenda.

"Your belongings have been carefully packed and secured onto your dragon," Otto informed her, his voice calm and measured. "You'll have no trouble reaching Storm's End by this evening. It's a relatively short flight, after all."

Vaella's eyes widened in surprise, her heart quickening its pace. "You mean I'm departing immediately?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of astonishment and anticipation.

"Indeed, my Lady," Otto affirmed. "Lord Borros is expecting you earlier than was initially discussed."

Worry etched across Vaella's brow as genuine concern took hold of her. "But do I not have the opportunity to bid my farewells?" she questioned, her voice tinged with a touch of anxiety, her love for her family evident in her words.

"Borros is known for his temperamental nature," he explained. "It is best not to keep him waiting, and your absence will only be temporary. Rest assured, I will personally convey your heartfelt wishes to everyone on your behalf."

Pausing for a moment, Vaella weighed her options, her desire to bid farewell to her family conflicting with the urgency of the situation. Otto's words echoed in her mind, reminding her that it would only be a matter of days. With a nod, she trusted in the Hand of the King, knowing he would keep his word, and made her way towards the Dragon Pit, her heart filled with anticipation and a tinge of sadness for the farewells left unsaid.

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