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The raindrops danced a soft melody against the windowpane, creating a soothing rhythm that accompanied Vaella's gradual awakening. The gray skies outside cast a muted light into the chamber, giving it a cozy and intimate ambiance. As Vaella's eyes fluttered open, she noticed the tranquil scene that surrounded her—the room bathed in the soft glow of rain-washed daylight.

With a gentle stretch, Vaella shifted beneath the covers, her senses slowly coming to life. A sense of tranquility settled over her as she reveled in the peacefulness of the rainy morning. But as her gaze wandered, she realized that Aemond was not beside her.

She noticed him resting comfortably on a nearby couch, a place he had chosen to sleep since the wedding. Aemond's peaceful form seemed to blend seamlessly with the relaxed atmosphere of the room. It was a tender gesture, a testament to his thoughtfulness and respect for her desire to take their relationship slowly.

She carefully extricated herself from the covers, making sure not to disturb Aemond's peaceful slumber. As she approached the couch, her steps silent on the carpeted floor, she took in the details of his sleeping form.

Aemond's features appeared serene in repose, his strong and chiseled face softened by the gentle light filtering through the rain-streaked windows. His silver hair, tousled and slightly damp from the rain outside, framed his face. The rise and fall of his chest, as he breathed in sync with the rhythm of his dreams, painted a picture of calm and tranquility.

Vaella's heart swelled with affection as she watched him sleep. She sat down on the edge of the couch, her eyes tracing the contours of his face, the curve of his lips, the scar that stretched his face, and the strong lines of his jaw. The raindrops provided a gentle serenade.

Under the weight of her loving gaze, Aemond stirred, his eyelashes fluttering open to reveal the vibrant blue of his eye. As his gaze met Vaella's, a tender smile graced his lips, and a spark of warmth and adoration illuminated his expression.

"Good morning, my love," Aemond greeted her, his voice laced with a mixture of sleepiness and affection. He shifted slightly on the couch, making room for her to join him.

"Good morning, Aemond," Vaella replied. She moved closer to him, the gentle touch of her hand brushing against his cheek, the warmth of her touch chasing away any lingering traces of sleep. "This will be the sixth morning, where I will tell you it's okay to sleep in our bed."

Aemond's eye softened. He reached up, his hand covering Vaella's, their fingers intertwining in a loving embrace. "You really want me to bed you that badly?" he said playfully.

Vaella chuckled at Aemond's playful remark, feeling her heart lightened by his infectious spirit. She softly swatted him with the pillow she had picked up, hitting him gently on the arm. "You know what I mean, you idiot," she teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Before she could react, Aemond swiftly grabbed another pillow and retaliated, hitting Vaella with a gentle swing that caused a cloud of feathers to float through the air. Laughter filled the room as they engaged in their impromptu pillow fight, the joy of the moment washing away any lingering traces of sleepiness.

Their laughter subsided as Aemond managed to pin Vaella down on the couch, his body hovering above hers. He leaned in, planting a series of playful kisses on her cheeks, forehead, and nose. Each touch ignited a spark of warmth within Vaella, filling her with a sweet sense of belonging and affection.

In the Embrace of Green FlameWhere stories live. Discover now