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Catalina stared down at her phone, chewing on her bottom lip as she stared at Judd's contact

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Catalina stared down at her phone, chewing on her bottom lip as she stared at Judd's contact. They hadn't spoken or hung out in almost a year and she missed her best friend.

Now more than ever.

Sighing, she closed out his contact info and put her phone bag back in her purse. She took a deep breath before walking into her last class of the day. She was in college now, granted it was community college, and she was already in the final semester of her two-year course.

She would've chosen a four-year course to get her bachelor's degree but that was too much money that she didn't have, even with a scholarship.

She was a nursing student--basic, trust me, she knew--but she always wanted to do something that helped others, and becoming a doctor was off the table so this was the next best thing. Nursing school wasn't too difficult for her, most of it had come easy to her but she was still nervous about being thrown into the workforce as soon as she graduates.

"Cat, over here!" That nickname always made her think of Judd, she didn't like others that weren't her closest friends calling her that but she was too kind to ever current anyone. 

Catalina smiled as she walked over to a redhead and sat down next to her. The two women had gotten close over the year but Catalina wouldn't call them friends either. They spoke a bit during classes and saved seats for each other but that was as far as it ever went.

They never hung out outside of class or talked. Their friendship was very base level, but Catalina liked it that way.

"So, I heard Tony's bar will be full of soon-to-be military men tonight. Wanna come and scope out some hotties with me?" Tori, the redhead, informed her just as their instructor walked in to begin teaching today's lesson. They were a few months away from graduating and a few weeks away from joining their internships to gain some experience.

Catalina looked over at Tori, thinking about what she had asked her. "Military men? Aren't they known for me, I don't know, dicks?" Tori held back a laugh at Catalina's bluntness as she watched the Latina looking back down at her notes as she began noting down whatever was being projected onto the whiteboard.

"Yeah, but it's not like we're there to find husbands. We'll just look around and maybe even leave with a little treat." She told her with a sly wink at the end making Catalina hold back a laugh as she shook her head. "So, you in?" Catalina wanted to say no, she wanted to stay in and study for their upcoming test but something in the back of her head--in her heart--was telling her to go to Tony's bar with Tori tonight.

Catalina looked at the redhead for a second, her heart practically screaming to agree. After seconds that felt like hours of thinking, she nodded, agreeing to join Tori tonight.

Tori smiled brightly as she held in her excitement, not wanting to catch the attention of the instructor and get scolded for the hundredth time this semester. She leaned in close enough for only Catalina to hear her as she spoke, "I'll pick you up at nine." Catalina simply nodded, going along with whatever the redhead said so they could get back to the lesson.

𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 | 9-1-1 𝙁𝙤𝙭 ✓Where stories live. Discover now