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Catalina POV

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Catalina POV

My joints hurt every time I tried to move but it didn't matter because I was awake. Finally awake. Four years of despair and anguish were finally over and I couldn't be happier.

I groaned lightly as I took tentative steps toward the truck so we could finally go home from the hospital; I was tired of hospitals and, frankly, never wanted to step foot in one again. Eddie's arm wrapped around my waist while I held onto his stretched forearm.

"Mom," Tilly spoke with nervousness counting every letter, "Why don't you just sit back down in the wheelchair? You can walk around at home all you like." I wanted to squish my daughter's cheeks from how adorable she was being. 

I knew they were worried about me but I wasn't going to get back to myself by letting them push me around in a wheelchair twenty-four hours a day.

I chuckled as I looked back at Tilly who pushed Christopher in the wheelchair, he giggled happily because his big sister was pushing him around. I couldn't help smiling as I answered her, almost out of breath from trying to walk on legs that hadn't moved in four years, "Tilly, I promise I'm okay." I took a deep breath, trying to distract myself from the pain in my knees.

"I-I just need more practice and I'll be back to normal." Tilly looked at me with more worry than when we were stuck in that parking garage during the tsunami. She simply nodded, knowing nothing she, nor her father, said would change my mind.

I gripped Eddie's forearm tighter as the pain traveled up into my thighs, making me stumble a little bit, which only made his hold on my waist tighter. 

I could feel him tense around me as I tried to stay upright but we both knew we were never gonna make it to the car like this. "Cata." He simply said, and all I could do was tiredly nod before he scooped me off the ground and carried me the rest of the way to the truck. 

The tiny walk from the entrance of the hospital to the edge of the parking look made me feel like I had just run a hundred-mile dash. I couldn't remember the last time I was ever in this much pain and this exhausted. Eddie kissed my forehead as he walked gently towards the truck, not wanting to move too roughly or quickly in case the movement caused me more pain.

He'd always been so considerate, and every time, it made me love him even more.

I don't think I could ever love another man the way I love Eddie. He's always made me feel like I was the only woman on Earth; like I was the rarest gem in existence and he couldn't bare to part with me.

He made me feel more loved than ever and now we have our own family to pour all that love into.

I leaned my head against his shoulder for the rest of the way, listening to Tilly and Christopher's chatter from behind us.

As Eddie sat me down in the passenger seat, I couldn't help the wave of anxiety that passed through me of being in a car again. Of course, during my time as a "ghost", I rode in the firetruck and whatnot, but this was different. I was in my body again and everything felt more real and... attached.

𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 | 9-1-1 𝙁𝙤𝙭 ✓Where stories live. Discover now