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Judd sat outside with Tilly and Christopher, keeping an eye on them so Eddie and Catalina could have some time alone

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Judd sat outside with Tilly and Christopher, keeping an eye on them so Eddie and Catalina could have some time alone. His leg bounced up and down, waiting for the door to open so he could go in and see his best friend.

After Eddie had told him the news about Catalina's very long coma, he felt his heart break from all the missed time. He felt almost guilty for not being there for her but knew Catalina would never be mad at him for something like that. He had no idea, and if he had, he would've been in Los Angeles as soon as possible.

Hell, had he known when the accident happened in Texas, he would've been in that hospital alongside Eddie in second.

"Uncle Judd?" Tilly's voice spoke, breaking him out of his deep thought. His heart felt warm hearing Catalina's children call him uncle. They'd all gotten closer in the time he'd been staying with them while they waited for Catalina to wake up. The children viewed him as an uncle as he viewed them as his niece and nephew. 

He loved them the same way he did Catalina; as if they were his own blood. Not that family always had to be blood. Family is where your heart lays.

Judd hummed in response, waiting for the teenage girl to ask him her question. Tilly fiddled with her fingers as she mustered up the courage to ask, "Are you going to leave?" She finally looked up at him, her eyes almost pleading with him but they both knew the answer. So many had left her in the past and almost losing her mother, Catalina, made that fear of abandonment resurface.

Judd let out a sigh before giving her a soft smile, "I'm sorry, Tilly but I got a firehouse back home that would fall apart without me." He half-joked, making the teenage girl giggle lightly. "I really wish you could stay." She said, looking over at Christopher who was playing something on Judd's phone.

"We really liked having you around and I know mom would love it too." Tilly paused for a second, looking back up at him. "You're the only family she has. Dad told me that her parents left a while back and that she doesn't have any relatives that care enough to stay in contact." Judd knew that all too well. Catalina would complain about her family life constantly in high school but, he was truly shocked to hear that her parents had left.

Even if they didn't have the best relationship, leaving her in a moment where she needed them the most was something he never expected.

Judd ran his hand over his hair, trying to figure out what to say. "I know, I'm staying for another two weeks but after that, I gotta head back to Texas. But, I promise to try and visit as much as possible. Hell, you're parents are both from Texas originally so I doubt they'd be against getting ya'll to visit." He suggested, hoping they would come out to visit him, already planning all the things they could do together as one big happy family.

Just the way he and Catalina planned.

Before anything else could be said on the matter, the hospital room opened. Eddie walked out with a small smile on his face as he approached them. "She's asking for you." He said immediately to Judd, who didn't waste a single second in going into that room and seeing his best friend.

"Hey, cowboy." Catalina's soft voice spoke, bringing a smile to his face as he fell into her open arms, causing her to chuckle. "I'm so glad you're okay. I missed ya." Judd spoke into her hair as he kissed the side of her head. "I'm glad you're here. I was scared I'd never see you again." Catalina confessed as Judd finally let her go, taking a seat on the chair Eddie had sat on earlier. 

Judd shook his head, "We might've spent some time apart in the past, but never again. I felt empty without my best friend." He confessed, giving her hand a squeeze. Catalina smiled as she squeezed his hand back, silently letting him know that she also would never let that happen again.

"So," Judd started, making Catalina groan as she knew he was bound to bring it up. "I see ya got yourself that firefighter husband you wanted." He laughed, making her hide behind her hand in embarrassment. "Seriously? I just came out of a coma." She groaned, making him laugh even more as she put her hands down to look at him. "And? Nothin' was gonna stop me from bringing it up." Catalina playfully rolled her eyes, knowing he was completely right.

A moment of silence fell upon the room; a comfortable silence more than anything. Catalina had missed him, she hadn't realized how much until he was finally in front of her. 

"I feel like I don't even have to ask but," Judd started, getting Catalina's full attention. "does he treat you alright?" Catalina sighed as she smiled softly. "Better than any of those idiots I dated in high school." She joked, making them both laugh. "Seriously Cat." He spoke again as the laughing died down. "I've only known the guy a few weeks so I don't know him as well as you do." Catalina gave him a sweet smile as she gently reassuringly grabbed his hand. 

"I wouldn't have married him if he didn't, Judd. He loves me as much as I love him, if not more." Judd sighed, letting his shoulders slump at the relief of her answer. "Good, 'cause you don't deserve any less." With a smug-knowing look on his face, making Catalina giggle.

"Thanks, it's nice having a proper family." She said dreamily, thinking about her husband and two kids that were sitting just behind her hospital door. Judd smiled fondly as he looked at her, admiring the happiness that radiated off of her.

It'd been so long since he'd seen her happy and he was beyond glad that she was able to wake up to loving family and friends that are more than willing to support her. 

Judd felt like tearing up at the thought of everything Catalina must've gone through. He had always hoped that she was living happy and all lively as ever whenever he thought of her. The fact that she was in a coma the entire time tore him apart.

It took Grace so long to help Judd get back to himself after Eddie told him the news. Thankfully, Grace is a saint that loves Judd and knew Catalina needed her best friend--even if she herself had never met Catalina.

They sat in that hospital room catching up. Laughing, smiling; simply talking like they used to.

The only difference was that they weren't sitting in the back of his pick-up truck eating ice cream but all that truly mattered was that they were together again. Everything felt complete and good again.


One last chapter to go hehe

Sorry for the shorter chapters ://


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