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Warner's dream before Blair's escape:

- A cold wind passes through my entire body, my hand is touching something unfamiliar, as I open my eyes I see myself in the middle of a forest.

My hand was touching leaves.

The tree didn't had any leaves on, they were all around me. The tree looked old and dark, spider webs were everywhere in it and in the other trees. There were a lot of trees around me.

The weather was cold and dark clouds were covering up the sky. Storms were heard as well but there was no rain.

I stand up from the ground and wash away the leaves off my clothes. I get distracted by birds flying, I haven't seen birds in so long. They're also doves.

As I turn my focus on the trees, the trees were gone. Now the clouds were red. Dark red and everything around me looked terrifying.

Something passed over my right hand. Like a soft silky fabric. I turn my focus towards the touch and see no one. Then I feel that soft fabric again on my left hand.

"Hello? Is anyone around?"

I say and the moment I turn left I see old abandoned small houses and there it was. Someone was hiding there.

I look at my holster and take my gun as I walk slowly towards the abandoned house where I saw that figure of a person.

"I'd suggest you to show yourself. I'm Warner Chief Commander and Regent of Sector 45 and this is your last chance to show yourself ."

I arrive at the abandoned house and I hold my gun up then I look behind it quick.

There was no one.

"I am not making jokes about this. Show yourself."

All I hear is a giggle. A soft sweet giggle. A woman.


That voice says behind me . A soft whisper in my ear that made me feel this flickering on my stomach all over my body.

That voice is so familiar.

I turn my face and again I see no one.

Then a light appears near what looks like a lake and a woman figure shows up wearing a white dress.

The woman of my dreams.

I have seen her before.

She turns half of her face towards me and that profile is really familiar to me. She smiles at me, I can tell she is smiling.

"Who are you?"

"You know me, Warner. You have met me."

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