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Two months before Shatter Me.

- My mouth curled into a frown as I stared into my manager's eyes. I was so upset. "What do you mean you're firing me? I didn't even do anything wrong." I protested.

My manager, Billy Davies. The man who insisted for me to work at Wonderfoods is now firing me and for what? Nothing. Billy is average tall, with brown hair and brown eyes. He is on his 30s and is an average plus size man.

The reason he got me this job was cause he also found a job for Eric so they became buddies I guess. And Eric requested to him to find me a job as well. So he did.

Billy isn't a bad person, I worked here for a year and now all of a sudden he is firing me. "Look kid, you're great in here. Trust me every customer is happy with your service and kindness but there are also some who complain-"

"Nah-uh don't play with me Billy." I cut him off feeling all my anger rising up. "I have been patient despite that some of these idiots were being so mean to me. I took their insults real mature. If there were complaints about me then it's probably that Karen woman with her Kevin man who roasted the shit out of me because their card kept declining so they blamed me!" I yelled at him making people stop by to see and hear the conversation.

Typical gossip-lovers.


Billy rubs his forehead as he looks at me, his eyes look nervous and surprised that I bursted my anger out like this but he knows me now good enough to know that I don't like being mistreated.

I don't like when people think they can step on me and expect me to thank them or kiss their feet for that. No, I will speak my mind and show them their places, I will let them know that I'm not an easy person despite my traumatic life that I have been through.

I fear my father not these dumb folks that I keep forgetting their names the moment I dislike them.

"Look Blair, I am trying to talk to you in peace but you are yelling at me." His tone became serious and his hand clenched in a fist. I narrow my eyes at him. "And listen close sweetheart, I will not repeat myself again. You have been fired and that is cause of the complaints but to make this more clear and final, someone else has been hired taking the position you had."

I scoff as I roll my eyes and shake my head at the same time in disbelief. "Then why didn't you just say so instead of lying?"

He raises his eyebrows confused. "Uh said what?"

I lean closer as the security guards try to come in between us but Billy waves them off. "Why didn't you just say that you gave my position to someone else? It would have been much easier mister liar."

He sighs in annoyance and drops his hands down in defeat. "Fine. Someone else took your place so I'm firing you."

"And who may that be?" I cross my arms as I narrow my eyes at him irritated.

"I did." A pretty soft female voice behind me said. I turned my head towards the front door of Wonderfoods.

Kill me.

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