chapter 18

109 10 0

★ Midori Hayashi

'Prince Riki, what honor do I hold to have your presence' I politely said, my head was still buried deep and a few florists who were watering the evening flowers glanced at his majesty.

'You' I couldn't help but look up at him through my lashes, seeing his plump lips in a small smile as he was already staring at me contently, like usual.

'I beg your pardon?' I must've heard it wrong, I couldn't decipher what he meant by you, if I heard it correct.

'You Midori, you're always the one I'd like to be around. And please, don't bow that long to me. I'd like to see your eyes and talk to you' I stuttered immediately as I got up, meeting his eyes as he searched around me and I looked helplessly red.

My fancy over him grew around him a lot these days.

'Hey, let's go take a seat over there.' Riki pointed towards a bench behind when I slowly turned back at him, signalling towards to maidens or butlers or bugs passing by us. Just anything to make him get away from me.

I loved his company, everything about him, and certainly grateful for ever being able to talk to him, but I don't think anyone liked me around his majesty.

'They wouldn't hurt me, and never would I let them hurt you. So come on now, I know you love your flora and I'd like to show you a secret!' He grabbed my hand as I widened my eyes trying not to be klutz, I looked nervously at everyone who were eyeing us but not sharing a word.

Goodness lord help me.

However, I was in beautiful awe as he led into a space I didn't knew existed, it was behind fancy white fences and it led to a little yet roam-able space of tulips, marigolds and a lot of sunflowers. It was really pretty. all in contrast and I noticed how Riki didn't let go of my hand. So obviously, I had to let go slowly out of his tight but not too tight grip, going front as I kneeled down to the sunflowers. 

The sun hit me as the sun was setting and the sunflowers all moved around in a rhythm. "Do you like sunflowers Midori?" I looked back at the prince who was moving beside me, nodding two times. 'I didn't know we were on first name basis, Prince' 

'Well, we are now, and no more courtesy. You have to call me Riki too' He smiled at me, his eyes forming a straight line as he looking at under the pretty sky, he was adorable. His smile was precious, a smile that shouldn't have been stolen. 

'I.. I don't think his majesty would like it for a normal person like me around you, prince Riki' I muttered, glancing at his curious eyes as he thought for a solid second before answering. 

'Actually, they already know you. And didn't I tell you not to call me prince Midori chan' He pouted, getting closer to show my his supposed teary eyes. 

'What? they.. They know me?!' I realised as the tulip I plucked fell out of my hand, dramatic much? I know. 

'Of course, I'd tell them the girl I fancy.' He grabbed the purple tulip which I dropped; just like how my mouth dropped open like an O, loading the bulk of information. 

'pardon?' I asked, I think I'd have to tell Sumi-san to take me to a ear doctor. 

'You'll know. What were you doing in the garden all alone though?' He asked, I didn't even know were so close we could talk so openly in public. I'd have to say I was surprised. 

'Oh, I actually came with Sumi san, but she was dragged away, I insisted going with her but I don't know, they disagreed.' I frowned, letting my guard fall a bit. Niki nodded, not keeping eye contact. 

He chuckled slightly, looking at me. 'It totally must've been important.' 

I tilted my head in confusion, he was busy looking at the sun set but I made me more curious. Where is Sumi san?

'Midori, there you are' I saw Sumi san running up to me, waving her arm as she quickly spotted the prince seated beside me. 

'Greetings your majesty' She bowed, grabbing my hand to get up and Riki only bowed back at her, noticeably gazing at me. 

'I'll see you soon?' He asked, smiling at me, Goodness lord he melts my faint heart. 

'If god wills' I replied, bowing back and turning away with Sumi-san with a smile as we parted way, the prince looked at me as I peeked from my side eye. I like his company. 

He only chuckled at me answer, also parting and moving away. 

I liked him more than ever. To my own dismay. 

𝗞𝗬𝗢𝗧𝗢'𝗦 𝗣𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗖𝗘 | n. rkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon