chapter 24

125 10 3

Midori Hayashi 

The horse, named Emerald, was even more beautiful under the snow today. We were in the barn, me and Riki after he basically dragged me over here, not that I'm complaining, it was cold out, meaning why I wore an full sleeve, but Emerald over here was neighing at me, almost flexing her fur coat in her language. 

I giggled while petting her, Riki was standing infront of her, just looking at Emerald. 

He helped me up on to Emerald, it was weird referring her as just an insignificant horse, only because she was already named. Riki's hand placing was quite awkward, I couldn't help but be embarrassed, I knew how to ride a horse but apparently my ego took an turn. 

"Hold on tight, okay?" He said once again, holy cow was it fast. It was amazing, the power in Emerald's feet started right away, no need for mere human-like stretch up or anything. It galloped matching a train's speed, right out the huge castle, if felt amazing to be stepping out after so long. 

We went into a forest, covered in snow while Riki ordered a panting Emerald to stop, I held his hand while he got me off her, she looked beautiful once again with her silver straight hair all ruffled, it was snowing, 6 in the evening while no sight of the sun. 

It was beautiful. 

"Like it? Don't get too bored okay, I have more places planned." Riki smiled wide, his boxy square smile coming out, I automatically chuckled, nodding at him while I dropped down on to the snow, seeing Emerald bowing on her knees too, huffing at the trees. 

Riki was standing behind me until he finally took a seat down, right beside me, I almost had to keep my dress to myself, to avoid him sitting further because of the dress. "So? What's new?" I started with an smile. 

Have you ever reached those moments when you've actually talked so much that you either talk nonsense or stay silent with each other's presence? Cause, this is the epitome of my feelings like right. 

"You should tell me. I might as well be more concerned than you for the coronation." Riki said, his eyes sorrowful while he glanced at me slowly, giving me an positive smile. How can this kid be so happy after going through quite the lot?

I chuckled, feeling that heavy thing in my chest again. God help what even that is, whatever it is pricks like fuck. "I know. I still can't believe I have the prince of the Kyoto courting me, the second well known prince after Edo's Kai." I said, immediately regretting it. 

"It took you 12 hours to know my name" He scoffed, exhaling from his nose, I curved into a nervous smile, instinctively rubbing my neck. 

But Riki's eyes snapped at me, suddenly sparkling and everything went silent, almost as if Emerald was gone too, and I pushed my head back once he seemed like coming more forward with his upper body, his arms caging my legs. 

"Courting? You finally accept my courting Hayashi?" Riki beamed, his eyes were almost swollen with his lips ear to ear, he was inches close while he obviously searched my eyes for all the things I've been holding back. 

"Maybe," I said more teasingly, falling back once I noticed the boy didn't seem like he had the started laughing, hitting the snow while he threw it all over in the air, I laughed my arse off, getting snow into my mouth while he was still smiling, making people on the snow by spreading his arms. 

"I don't even need dinner now" Riki said, squealing. What's so exciting about me? I don't deserve such... determination. 

+ + +

𝗞𝗬𝗢𝗧𝗢'𝗦 𝗣𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗖𝗘 | n. rkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora