Chapter 44 Swimming in the Shallow End

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The Aquarium


Betsy danced in her black swimsuit. She held Karen's hand while Quig and Grew-Ella bought tickets. They located where Dot and Ruby waited for them.

Snake Boy played with his squid-shaped balloon. "Let's go on the ghost ship ride again."

"We plan to hang out with Quig and his family. Afterward, Ruby and Karen are going to take you to a swim party," Dot said.

"Then what will you do?" he asked.

"I have an important meeting." Dot hugged him.

"My sons, their parents, and children want to meet you in two hours," Karen said to Betsy and Snake Boy.

"Uncle Quig, buy me a pet snake. My cousin has snakes." Betsy pointed to a glass tank.

Quig wagged his finger as they walked near another snake tank. "Ask your dad."

"Daddy and Mom will say no." Betsy pressed her hands against the glass, and she waved at the snake.

He swallowed his egg and did not look at her.

"I'll name this one Stinky Face and visit him. Auntie Grew-Ella, please buy me a pass." Betsy fluttered her eyes and attempted to look adorable.

"Smart move, princess," Quig said.

Snake Boy spoke to Betsy. "I already have a pass. Aunt Ruby gave it to me for Christmas. I met Rodrick's girlfriend, and I don't know why it's such a big secret."

"Remember, this is for our safety," Dot said.

They walked around the aquarium and visited the axolotls twice.

"We'll eat lunch after swimming." Karen took Betsy, Ruby, and Snake Boy to the community pool section.

Dot followed Quig and Grew-Ella. "Dad has been working on a project since Cutter died, and he'll show it to us later."

She walked off.

No one else swam in the private pool, and the lifeguard appeared stone-faced. The towel rack wobbled.

Grew-Ella gazed at Quig's wet lips and kissed him before splashing water on him.

"I love you," she said.

Quig held her close to him.

"Turn around," Trent said.

They glanced up at Rodrick and Trent. Dot stood off to the side.

Trent's mouth stretched into a smirk, and he pointed at Grew-Ella. "Dad, why did you and Dot follow me? I'm only here to warn Grew-Ella to come with me, and I'm able to sneak her and Quig over the border for a price. I have debts to pay off."

"Don't call me Dad, old man, and they aren't coming with you," Rodrick said.

Grew-Ella and Quig climbed out of the water.

"Chase is on the run from the law," Grew-Ella said.

"But Zill is still deadly." Trent stared at Quig's sister, Ida, standing at the side of the pool. He rubbed his eyes and focused on Quig and his busted wing. Ida walked away and smiled.

A board member lunged from behind the towel rack. He waved a tin knife in one hand and stabbed Trent's arm.

Trent screamed in pain.

"Dad, was that part of your plan?" Dot asked.

"No, he must have followed Trent here," Rodrick said.

Chloe's grandson glared at Trent. "You helped Vex and Sean-Mack kill my grandmother for her money." He jumped over the lifeguard and fled.

The lifeguard bolted toward them, but Rodrick waved his ID. "Trent is being sent to a workhouse prison clinic." Rodrick turned to Trent. "You foolishly thought Yoleta's supervisor, Lana, sent all those postcards and videos without support. I'm the one who turned her against Sean-Mack. There are hundreds of people just like Chloe's grandson who want to kill you because you were a coward."

Trent swung at him.

"I'm here to see you arrested," Dot said.

Rodrick punched him and locked handcuffs around his wrists. "Think of what you stole from Chase as your divorce settlement. You might be executed. I gave you ample warning to walk away. Lana recorded her murder. I was finally able to retrieve the footage and send it to the media. Vex will get away with it because he's still too powerful, but you won't get away with lying for him."

"Protect Junior," Trent said.

Rodrick located a first-aid kit and bandaged Trent's leg. "I raised Junior as my own, and you don't even have to ask."

"Is Trent actually going to the workhouse prison?" Quig asked.

Trent crumbled. "You can't do this to me. I was king and voted most beautiful. I was being kind by offering Grew-Ella to Chase. My father has wanted to kill her ever since she humiliated him."

"Grew-Ella was protecting my son," Rodrick said.

Trent groaned in pain. "Rodrick, I like Grew-Ella. No woman fought for me as fiercely as she does for Quig. My father thinks her skills as a professor spread the lie that women like her have value. Too many people in power adore her. When she was thrown into the workhouse, hundreds of grand elites searched for her. The publicity helped sink Father's career because he didn't lift a finger to help and even laughed it off."

"She has value," Quig yelled out.

"Of course, she has value." Trent's voice lowered. "My real father will ask Zill to murder Grew-Ella if I'm not there to protect her. Zill is Dad's protégé. And while Grew-Ella can fight me off, she won't be able to fight off her sister."

"Squad members are arresting your daddy, Sean-Mack, for violating Yoleta's blood contract," Rodrick said. "Junior is recommending selling most of his assets and funneling them back into the kingdom until an interim prime minister is called."

Trent wailed. "Please, I don't want to die."

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