chapter 13: Dead

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I wake up and i already dread it.

Three years.

Three years since my sister passed away.

And it's all my fault.

I get out of bed and get dressed for the day.

my fit ^^

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my fit ^^

I walk downstairs to the sound of beer cans opening. I look to my left and see both my parents with bloodshot eyes, puffy faces bags under their eyes. Beer cans lay all across my house and i just know they are both drunk so early in the morning.

Tears fill my eyes but i walk into the kitchen to hide. I begin making toast for the both of them and getting them water, hopefully they will drink it.

"Here." I say handing them both a plate.

"How come your here?" My dad says looking at me drunkishly.

"What do you mean?"

"I wish it was you."


"I wish you were dead."

He wishes i was dead?

I knew he didn't like me but i never knew he wanted me to be dead. I look at my mum and she just sits there. Silent.

"Fuck you both." I rumble before walking out the door and getting into my car. I drive to school controlling my tears as best as i can.

I couldn't take the bus. I couldn't face seeing Eva without breaking down and i don't want too this early. Not yet.

I wonder around school aimlessly until i run into Hayden, Coen and Oakley.

"Hey we've been looking for you." Coen says.

"Sorry." I whisper.

"How are you um doing?" Oakley asks in a soft voice.

"I'm okay."

"Really?" Hayden tilts his head.


"Let's go shoot some hoops before class."

I nod as we walk to the gym. I love my boys.

I get a message from Eva.

*Hey you okay? No bus today?*

Tears fill my eyes just at her concern. I shake it off and put my phone back in my pocket as we get to the court. We begin throwing balls and just fucking around.

I know the boys are being extra nice to me today. And i'm grateful for it. I'm sure they are hurting, they loved my sister so much.

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