Chapter 16: Jail

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I've never been happier.

I've got my dream girl, i'm back into basketball, i have good friends, my grades are better and i'm happy.

I never really knew what pure happiness felt like until Eva. Sure, i often was happy but it's a different feeling when i'm with Eva.

I still haven't spoken to my parents since my sisters anniversary two weeks ago. I haven't even slept in my own home besides when they were out of town.

I've been going between all my friends houses. I'm glad i have support.

I know i need to see them and talk to them but it hurts still to even think about the fact my dad wishes i had died.

I decide to go jewellery shopping for Eva. I want to buy her something really special so she knows how much i appreciate her and that i want her to be my girl.

I walk into Tiffany and Co. This jewlery shop is huge and has the best selection.

I turn my head around and see no one.

I've had this odd feeling all day that i'm being followed but i figure it's just my anxiety.

I walk to the counter where a middle-aged lady works.

"What do you recommend for my girlfriend?"

"Well, how old is she?"


"Hm teenage girl."

I nod getting giddy.

"She would probably love a necklace with your initial on it."

"My initial?"

She nods.


"Letters are in the back corner." She points.

"Thank you."

I smile before walking over there. I find a necklace with the letter A. Would she really like this?

God i'm so nervous. What if she doesn't?

Maybe i will just leave it and come back once i have more of an idea.

I go through the doors to exit the store when the alarms go off and beep really loudly.

I turn around as the front desk lady calls the security.

I didn't do anything?

Security comes around the corner of the shopping mall and grip both my arms before they pat me down.

I can't even form words i'm in pure shock.

"Well, well, well." The cop says as he pulls a huge diamond necklace out my pocket.

"What the fuck, i didn't steal." I say as tears well in my eyes.

I really need Eva right now. She would tell me what to do.

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