10. Who save you?

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"Always find time for the things that makes you feel happy to be alive" 

"Always find time for the things that makes you feel happy to be alive" 

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You walked into the store of the hotel before you walked over to the counter and rang the bell.

"I'm coming" the tailor said as he came out of the back room before walking up the counter "Hello, can I help you young lady?" the tailor asked "Yeah, you are a craftsman right?" you asked "Yeah. It's my job" the tailor said "Good, 'cause I'm planning on giving something to my boyfriend. Something I knew that he would love" you said "Alright and what would you like?" the tailor "Do you know how to tailor a black suit?" you asked "Yeah" the tailor nodded "Can you make something like that to my boyfriend" you said as you opened your wallet "Yeah, of course. I just need to know how you want it to look like and the size" the man and you pulled up a unfolded paper before you handed it to him.

"I have made a sketch of how I would like it to look like and I have also writing the sizes you need to know" you said and he unfolded the paper "It look easy. So it wouldn't take me long to make" he said "Thank you" you said as you handed him the money.


"Discipline. That's what you need to learn" Diego said to Stan as they were walking through the hotel hallways "When I was your age, I was up at dawn, all right? I was training, honing my skills. The biggest thing" Diego said before he stopped in the middle of the hallway, turning Stan to him "I was becoming a real man" he said "Right. Is that why you wear those tight pants?" Stan asked.

Then the door to the bathroom opened and Lila stepped out "Lila" Diego said as he walked over to her "Hmm?" Lila asked "You need to take this kid with you" he said as he pointed back at Stan.

But then Five walked out of the bathroom with a briefcase in each hand.

"The hell were you doing in there?" Diego asked him "Bathing" Lila answered "Together?" Diego asked before he looked at Five "Aren't you with Talie?" he asked "I am, and very happy" Five said "Then why were you bathing with Lila?" Diego asked "Oh, okay" Five said as he rolled his eyes "Diego, we don't have time for this. Lila and I have got some important shit to do" he said before he walked passed Stan and Lila followed after him "Wait. What's more important than family?" Diego asked as he walked after the two with Stan behind him "End of the world, genius" Five said as they walked down the hall.

Five stopped in front of the elevator and he sat the briefcases down for a moment to press the button "Lila?" Diego asked as he grabbed her arm "What's more important than us?" he asked "There is no us, Diego" she said before the sound of the elevator bell dinged and Five picked up the briefcases as the door to the elevator opened before he stepped into the elevator.

"Come here" Diego said dragging Lila closer to him "What do you mean?" Diego asked her "Look, for you, it's been a couple days. For me, it has been over a decade. I've moved on. I've slept with many, many people. Many. The only relationship we have left is the one with our child. So you better not screw that up" she said before she turned around and walked into the elevator where Five was waiting.

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