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It was just a normal day in The Teen titans tower. Raven and Starfire  had just woke up.
'Hello, Friend Raven ! Did you have a good night?'
'Hi star, um yeah i did'

Starfire went to the bathroom to Change into her uniform and do skincare. On her way she Met Robin. 'Hello, Friend Robin!'
'Hey Star'
'Good morning!'
'You too.'

She Got ready and went to the breakfast table. Raven was preparing breakfast. She had made pancakes.  The others were at The table except beast boy. Suddenly, He came out of his room saying,
"Mmm, Is this the fresh smell of pancakes?"
"Yes, friend Beast boy! Take a seat!" Starfire greeted him.

They ate their breakfast and went back to doing things  by their own. Raven meditating, Starfire feeding Silkie, Robin practicing, and Cyborg and Beastboy playing video games. (With an Black eye after interrupting Raven when she was reading the book of azarath.)

Robin was a great leader and a addition to the Tern titans and a person who had great skills since he was batman's side kick. Starfire or you can say Koriand'r was a Smart, Brave and a kind soul that loved kittens and silkie. Robin couldn't admit that he had an TINY crush on her. He just thought he thought of her all the time because she was his Best friend. But little did he know he had a crush on her...

Well Starfire, She didn't know that Robin had feelings for her but She respected him as a leader of titans and a great bestfriend for her.

Raven could sense Robin likes Starfire but did not wanna ruin it. Maybe Starfire does not like him back?


Author's note : Hiii thanks for reading and i hope you enjoy this new series!

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