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'Never met a villain that they liked'

Cyborg was at the gym. And Beast boy at his favorite moped shop searching for something he can buy , Raven at her favorite depressing cafè. Robin was at his room searching for his identity.

Starfire was getting pretty bored since all of her friends are busy. She went to Robin's room.

'Robin? What are you doing?'
'I'm searching for information about Slade.'
'May I help you with anything?'
'No, im busy' he said with an ice cold voice. He seems like he is still mad because of  yesterday.

'Can i stay here? The others or away and i've got nothing to do.'
'No, do not . I'm busy. Please leave now'
'Oh... okay'
She made it through his door feeling really sad because of Robin not wanting her to be around him.

She went out to the building for air. She had no idea that Red X was watching her from behind a bush. He had planned to kidnap starfire, not to harm her, to get her power and tear the Teen Titans. He was pretty impressed of her anyways. He could kidnap her right now. But it was too early. After Trying one more time to tear Titans up he would consider giving up.

Well she felt really sad, and bad that she couldn't help her friends last night. She locked herself up in her room. Trying to figure out what's wrong with her powers and how she made that mistake from last night. Red X had planted an system on her that makes her loose her power little by little. She had no idea and thought she just wasn't good enough.

While she was locked up in her room trying to stop crying. Raven came from the depressing cafè .

"Robin?, Starfire?" she called out seeing the tower so quiet.
"Where is starfire?"
"How would i know"

She could sense he is still mad from yesterday.

She knocked on starfire's door.
'Hey star, Why did you lock yourself up?'
'Nothing, I'm busy"
That was so unlike Starfire, and she could sense something was wrong. She was just begging if she could go to the depressing cafè with Raven today.

She had an Idea.
"Hey starfire, Do you wanna go hangout at the amusement park?"
She was sad but she couldn't say no to that so she agreed.

They soon arrived at the amusement park. They got cotton candies and ice creams and had a really fun time while playing. And Raven almost threw up after spinning. Starfire cleared her mind and stopped being sad.  During their play at the amusement park Red X followed them and spied on them. And  Starfire  had no idea. But Raben could sense something wrong, like someone is watching them. But still she thought she was hallucinating and did not tell anyone about her sense.

They later arrived at the Titans Tower.
"Hey Raven and Starfire"
"Hello friends."

They started eating dinner. (Starfire was still avoiding Robin as much as she could)


(There will be more later!)

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