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As She was following Red X into a place that looks like a laboratory then suddenly Red X came back from behind and gave her a tea with sleeping p!lls .  She fell asleep and Red X tied her hands and locked her up in a place.

When she woke up she tried to cut the rope and succeeded. She remembered what happened yesterday and was really angry and scared at the same time. She jumped up and gathered strength to try and break the lock but she couldn't. "Do you think i will put up locks that you can break? I'm not stupid like your teammates." "Do not wish to call my friends the stupid"

She struggled to get out. "Why did you put me here? What are you gonna do with me?!" she said screaming and worried about her friends.
"Look i'm not trying to hurt you or your friends.......atleast for now okay?" "The thing is that my plan is working and little by little and you won't be able to control your powers. Well your power will get stronger by day by day. But it will be mine soon. You know what i mean"

Starfire shot starbolts at him with her eyes. He dodged it just in time. But he fell to the ground and starfire jumped up right in time. "Now tell me where i can escape." "Not so easily."

He didn't try to get in her way of escaping but he was indeed so suspicious. At that time The teen titans were really worried and was searching everywhere for their friend Starfire. When she came back she was tired but she explained everything. And at that time Robin already had a plan.

They were gonna attack since starfire was calturing Red x With a tracker. And they went in place to attack.


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