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1963 ♡ The Curtis House

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1963 ♡ The Curtis House

Mr Curtis crept downstairs, trying his hardest not to make a noise, as he didn't want to wake anyone up. The fact that his eldest son was alseep on the couch, still wearing the clothes that he had on the night before, took him by suprise.

He walked over and tapped him lightly on the face. "Hey, junior. What are you doing here?" Mr. Curtis sked.

Darry groaned and put his hands over his eyes, as they hadn't yet adjusted to the brightness of the sunlight pouring in from the living room windows. "What?" He asked, his voice slightly raspy as he hadn't used it in many hours.

"Why aren't you in your room?" The man rephrased his question and tilted his head slightly. Mr. Curtis was a tall man with a decent enough build and short, dark hair. He looked exactly like Darry, just twenty years older.

Darry yawned and sat up on the couch. "Gracie's asleep in there, she stayed over last night," he explained.

"Oh," his father spoke, before shrugging his shoulders. "Well alright then," he made his way into the kitchen.

One thing that Darry really appreciated about his dad was that he didn't ask too many questions, he just dealt with what information was given to him and minded his own buisness.

"You're up early," Darry observed as he followed his father into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm trying to suprise your mom by making breakfast," he said taking ingredients out of the fridge. "So I gotta be quick before she wakes up and I'm gone,"

Darry let out a smile, his parents were one of the few married couples that he knew who met in high school and were still completely head over heels for eachother years later. It even made someone as tough as him believe in true love.

"Hey- uh, can I ask you a question about something?" he leaned against the sink, figuring that if anyone knew how to help him it would be his dad.

His father noticed the serious tone in his voice. "Of course, what's going on?" He mixed up all the ingredients in a big bowl.

"When did you know that you loved Mom?" He looked at his Dad looking for an answer... for both the question he asked and the one in his mind.

Mr Curtis cracked a smile, he had a feeling that he knew what this was about. "Well, if I can pick the exact moment that I knew, it would be in the summer before out senior year of high school. We went to the beach with a few friends and I decided to chase her with a jellyfish. She ran away and as I tried to run after her, I fell over a sandcastle and flat onto my face. She laughed so hard that she had to lie down and it was in that exact moment that I knew I wanted to spend every day of my life hearing her laughter... and I have,"

Thoughts flooded Darry's head like a tsunami, whirling around until he finally came to a descision. When he zoned back in, his father was plating up the breakfast and the coffee was ready.

You've Really Got A Hold On Me ~ Darry Curtis × O.CМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя