' It's only a delusion. ' : Gaming Bond.

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N/A: this is a little bit halfy based on real event, I am just a amature writer and im just making this out of boredom!

Chris's pov:

I was playing random songs on my phone before i recieve a text from my discord, I opened the app before i saw it was Andrew before I opened the icon to view our messages I saw his message.

" Hey Chrissy wanna play games together with the others " Andrew messaged me I replied Andrew's message before we hopped on a server voice chat Ray, Henry, Andrew, and Me were in the call already fighting on what to play, few minutes later we finally found a game to play together but we all agreed to a horror game. Andrew has a weak spot for horror games as long as he has someone with he is good.

There was laughing, crying, screaming from everything that was going on the horror game Ray makes a hundred percent things funnier whenever we are playing horror games, until Andrew said if we all play Combat Warriors. everyone said yes and we all Joined him on his private server.

I know Andrew plays to much of this game so its kinda obvious hes gonna ask us to Fight each other and 1v1 him, I was only level 15 since I dont like this game much as Andrew. Henry's level 44, Ray being level 12, and Andrew being level 122 on such a game.

quite a violent game to play but at least it calms andrew down whenever hes mad for once.

Ray's POV:

Another day in home since im not allowed to go somewhere. At least today I can hangout with the group on call and in games unlike them going to malls, resturants, parks, Etc. God if only my dad wasn't so overprotective i would be ok for once. But i can't blame him too ever since my mom died he has a fear of losing me too, his only family.

Hearing chris' voice while we talk is addictive to me. can't see him anymore but at least the next school year I can, Me a Chris used to be classmates back then in school and i started to fall in love with him back in 8th grade. I was the funny guy in the group making everyone laugh once in a while.

And then there's Andrew who always hugs me, holds my hand to drag me random places, and other things. But i dont mind obviously since andrew never did such things to someone, but it sometimes embarrassing when our old classmates think the two of us are dating since andrew does such things to make it think we are but Andrew puts those thoughts aside which is really confident of him, Andrew grew up with insecurity and people bullying him back then but i guess he just focused on himself now.

Even tho i only knew Andrew only in 8th grade he still a good friend to me, School years past we've been classmates mostly, From 9th grade to Senior Highschool, We still have the group but splitted up in some sections but we can still hangout in school.

As we play horror games i kept laughing at Chris and Andrew who kept screaming of a small sight of the entity, We've played games until almost 5 am Andrew screamed at the time once he checked at his phone " ITS 5 AM ?! " He shouted as everyone else was surprised by the time, guess we got carried away of the time.

We all quickly said our goodbyes before leaving the Voice chat channel on our beds, at least we only get 2 hours of sleep today since we have picture day. The time schools reunites us for the last time until we wait wwait for 3 months before school comes back in our minds.

Andrew's POV:

I'm so bored I could die as I look at my computer scrolling at youtube for games to play before I suddenly remembered my friends are also online, I quickly went to text the others and then chris. Me, Chris, Henry, and Ray had to fight over what game to play before Finally choosing a game to play.

There was laughing, screaming, crying from everything in the horror game god that was a very bad idea. we all gotten glitched on the map we couldn't continue the chapter anymore, I told everyone to play Combat Warriors with me on my private server. luckily everyone agreed and joined me.

I felt powerful as being level 122 everyone else was on the two digit rank and me being already 3 digit rank, They wouldn't expect everything from me well they gonna tell me for having no life since i play this game mostly back then for 2 years in a row.

As we played that game for Hours it honestly felt like months for me. I checked the time 5 am. everyone quickly looked at their time before they all panicked on call, We have picture day a event for the school where we take our pictures and they put that photo in the yearbook. It's fine but it starts at 7:30 AM, Like god if you wanna take our school photo's at least give us a lot more time.

we all said our goodbyes before we all tried to sleep, I felt my phone vibrate it was Henry. he wanted to call me at almost 6 AM??? I answer the phone before I hear his voice; " Hey can i borrow that spike belt, you have a lot anyways. " He said before i replied; " Oh sure! i have loads you can keep it to be honest. " I heard henry giggled before he spoke; " Oh really? Thanks! well see you in school for picture day! " He said before we said our goodbyes as he hung up.

I look at my ceiling before my eyes went heavy making me fall asleep, My alarm was set at 7;09 AM I got up taking a bath, getting ready and everything I hoped wore my helmet on my way to go to school with my motor bike.

I got there in 7 minutes the time is no 7:16 AM I saw Chris, Ray, Ander, and me were the first once. the others are not here yet i bought myself takoyaki as i was hungry i fed chris some as the other also bought the same eating since we skipped breakfast for this.

Few minutes it was almost 7:30 the rest FINALLY arrived, we went to the office to take our photos as everyone was in line in alphabetical order, and how the universe said I had to be first Among all other classmates of my having the letter A on their name me!.

I went in to take my photo, I was wearing my casual clothes, All black, Eye liner, over accessorize. well perks of being goth I guess?. I posed with a smile at the camera before i went out of the office sighing from relief that ended quick. I took a pen and paper writing my quote for the yearbook as i wait in the other side to wait for my friends to take this group photo so we can cherish this memory.

I wish I can see them again but sadly it will be my last day for 4 months due to the fact I'm going to another school in canada after my mom got a new job there. I haven't announce this news to them yet. They will understand about it right?..I hope at least.

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