Shared meal, unshared concerns

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Silk sheets feel odd to the touch, too soft for her taste, and Lia thinks she can't possibly get used to it. But the exhaustion weights down her bones and covers her body like a blanket, and she drifts off in no time. Lia wakes up to the gleaming sun rays peeking through the curtains — and reluctantly admits that it was the best night's sleep she's ever had. As a sign of protest, she doesn't let herself enjoy it for a second longer and instead gets up and dresses in her usual quick manner, only then realizing there is nowhere to rush to.

Lia stands in contemplation, but all the arguments and reasons she can come up with lead to one conclusion — she should pause her hunt and let things settle, let the soil that was soaked with the washed-off blood dry up. She's not good at taking breaks but she is better at not taking unnecessary risks: she knows that Ser Arren is in a terrible pain right now — and a wounded animal is always more dangerous.

A knock at the door comes off as a distraction Lia welcomes, already familiar with Annora's early visits. But she is unexpectedly greeted by Daemon. He lets himself, suspiciously cheerful and in all his glory.

"You are quite an early riser," he joyfully remarks. "That you did not get from me."

"And yet, here you are," Lia points out politely, keeping the same polite distance.

"It is hard to catch you these days. And we never got a chance to dine together. With the whole family, I mean," his grin grows wider. "I thought it was time for us to change that."

For a moment she coldheartedly regrets not leaving for the Dragonpit like she usually does, as family gatherings aren't a thing she grew accustomed to. But there is also no point in delaying the inevitable, so Lia thinks she should get it over with, and the sooner the better.

"I guess today is the day," she agrees, and Daemon doesn't wait any longer, letting her walk out first and then leading the way, his step bouncy, the smile never leaving his face. She is yet to fully accept that this is the man she's related to.

When they approach the dining hall, she sees Ser Harrold standing at the doors, and he greets her, keen-eyed.

"It is rare to see you outside the Dragonpit, lady Lia."

"At least I am always safe there," she swiftly remarks, making the old man titter.

Lia thinks of the long list of names she got in one of the letters — something she never asked for, which made the girl suspect the initiative didn't come from Daemon, but it finally came to be of use. She remembers the sitting arrangement from last time, and the faces she's met with are all the same, apart from the two silver-haired kids — a girl seated next to Alicent, humble-looking and doll-faced, and a boy of the same age sitting on Aegon's lap, jabbering and gesticulating, his cheery face a copy of his father's. Lia is glad to find that they're the ones she's supposed to sit next to. When she catches the sight of Aegon's brother, his eye is already on her.

Lia and Aemond look at each other briefly and then avert their gazes — not in anger nor shame but for a reason they can't explain even to themselves. Aegon notices that, and his eyes curiously flicker from her to him and back, but he doesn't say anything and only takes a small sip from his cup.

"Look who decided to join us today," Aegon grins at her. "And you did so on your own accord? Unbelievable!"

"Don't make me regret it," Lia chuckles at his reaction, and his son stops talking and gawks at her, eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"This little menace is Jaehaerys," Aegon tells her, making the kid giggle. "Jaehaera is his sister," he nods in her direction, and the girl shyly waves. Alicent lovingly strokes her head and looks at Lia with a small smile. It's not fake but it fails to conceal the disquiet that remains in her gaze and glistens like embers.

ℒove always wakes the dragon (Aemond x OC)Where stories live. Discover now