Into the woods

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The woods start immediately south of King's Landing — a barrier of green stretched for miles, with the shades of nature she's known since she first could walk. Here is the velvety moss adorning brown trunks of cedars, massive redwoods and taupe oaks, their dark roots digging into the ground. The foliage is splashed with colors — the yellowish-green of larches, deep malachite of junipers, blue-green needles of pines. The air in the city cannot be compared to the one she breathes in, filled with the scents of wild grass, ripe berries, and mushrooms. Lia is so fascinated by the landscape, she absorbs it all in, silent, gawking, lapsing into memories. It doesn't really look like the forest she's grown in but it is a reminder of what she used to love so much.

But it also reminds her of why she insisted on taking the ride — and then all the shades fade, and the beauty decays, and she only sees burnt wood, dried stumps from the past. And enjoying the scenery around her feels like a betrayal.

Lia glances at Ser Tyland, who rides unhurriedly alongside her, not pursuing any conversations. She starts off humbly. "I had no wish to distract the Master of Coin from his daily duties, my apologies."

"None are needed," Tyland counters easily. "Truth be told, I haven't been to the Kingswood in quite some time. Maybe this ride will lift my own spirits. So I assure you, I do not find it troublesome at all."

"Did you use to come here often?"

"Not as often as my brother. He and the King had a passion for hunting. I, unfortunately, never really shared it, the cruelty of the act has always bothered me too much," Tyland looks around, takes in the sun-drenched leaves. "But coming in to enjoy nature is a time well spent."

The moment he says it, his horse whinnies and slightly tosses her head — there is a mud puddle on the road ahead, and Lia thinks she's never seen an animal being so evidently displeased.

"I fear, Pearl doesn't share my joy," Ser Tyland gently pets her but she neighs without much appreciation, and he chuckles. "Nor does she share my affection."

Lia is grateful that Raven is untroubled by any quirks of nature they see along the way. But then she recalls the one time he did look notably vexed.

"I hope my curiosity won't come off as indecent but I've been meaning to ask...," Lia hesitates, and Ser Tyland turns to her. "About that man we saw in the stable. Lord Larys is his name? I think Raven found his presence upsetting."

"He has that effect on people as well. Can't say I am surprised," Ser Tyland remarks coolly.

"You make it sound like he isn't a very nice person."

"Wouldn't be nice of me to say that about a cripple," he debates. "But being in his company is hardly a pleasure."

"Can I ask why?"

"Well, some people do find him nice," Ser Tyland grudgingly tells her. "But I always deemed him... too nosy, I guess. Although one may say it's his way of adapting to the circumstances after being dealt such a bad hand."

"Was he born like that? That wasn't easy for him, I would imagine," Lia tries to reason mostly with herself. Whatever are Lord Larys's motives, something tells her that he isn't a good-hearted man.

"Yes, he's been like that his whole life. But both his father and his older brother supported him the best they could. It was a great tragedy when they passed away."

Her intuition rings the alarm bell at these words. "What happened? If you don't mind me asking."

"A fire broke at Harrenhal, their family castle. Both Lord Lyonel and Harwin died that night."

The alarm only gets louder when she hears the second name — Harwin. It's the same name Aegon mentioned with spite while talking about Rhaenyra's three sons.

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