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"Shhh, don't be scared. You know I won't hurt you."

Brielle wasn't so sure if she believed him. He was an killer. His next move was unpredictable, and that's why she knew deep down she was scared of him.

Especially because Ethan had a knife in his hand.

"Why do you have a knife?" the blonde whispered.

Ethan stepped even closer, but Brielle stood her ground. She still continued to shake rapidly though.

"In case your sisters come after me. But it's not for you, I promise."

Brielle didn't want him to harm her sisters either.

"What do you want?"

"Brielle, I want you. Please. Let's run away from all of this together."

Brielle considered her options. She could leave with Ethan, but that would leave her sisters behind. And if she was on the run with a killer, that put her life at risk.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"You're a killer. And I'm not leaving my sisters."

"You're not going to get out of this alive if you don't leave with me."

Brielle wasn't sure what he was talking about. Why wouldn't she? He would get locked up, and she would lead on a normal life with her sisters. She would be fine.

Ethan grabbed her wrist aggressively. "Come on, Brielle."

His voice was venomous. This was beginning to make Brielle realize that he really was insane.

He wasn't who she thought he was at that party.

"Ethan. Let go."

Ethan wasn't listening to her. His grip only got tighter. He began to lead her away, and she tried as hard as she could to escape his grasp. But it just wasn't working.

His grip suddenly loosened. Brielle could only see him from the back. Ethan stopped dead in his tracks, and suddenly fell to the ground.

Sam was standing in front of him, being revealed as soon as he fell. She was holding a knife, and now she could see that Ethan was bleeding out.


Tara was behind Sam, looking at Brielle sadly.

"I couldn't let him take you. We're safe now, Bri."

Bri didn't feel safe. She just felt destroyed. She always thought what she wanted was for all of the Ghostfaces to be dead, but she was regretting ever thinking that.

Ethan was different. He wasn't like Amber, or even his brother Richie. He wasn't like his father or his sister.

He felt different. Ethan cared for her, she could just tell. Brielle should be celebrating right now after what he made her go through; keeping that secret and being forced to play along with his games. But she wasn't. She was crying.

"Bri, let's go," Tara whispered.

"You guys can go. I'll be right behind you."

Her sisters nodded, understanding what she was going through.

Ethan's knife was lying next to his struggling body. He was still alive, but barely. He was bleeding out quickly.

Brielle didn't even know if she could save him even if she wanted to. He reached for his knife, but she pushed it out of his reach.

Ethan looked at her in undeniable anger, and her crouching next to him suddenly turned into her sitting beside him.

His body turned, and she took his hand in hers.

"This isn't how I wanted it to end," Bri whispered.

Ethan looked confused. "Why don't you hate me?"

"Why would I hate you?"

"I killed your friends. I forced you to help me kill. Why wouldn't you hate me?"

His eyes seemed pure, and that's what made Brielle so conflicted. How could Ethan be so intimidating and a killer one minute ago, but now  he's staring into her eyes as if he's the most innocent person in the world?

"I-I don't know. I fell for you."

"At least someone loves me. My dad doesn't care about me. He just wanted to avenge Richie, his favorite son."

Ethan's voice was weak, and it made Brielle's heart break for him. There was nothing she could do to help him. He was almost dead; he had suffered so many stab wounds and this one was the final one.

And he was a killer. It was either he died, or he would be locked up for the rest of his life. No one wanted to live like that.

"Ethan, I love you."

Her hand ran through his curly hair. His shaky hand touched her face for a second. She didn't care that blood was staining her face now.

"I love you too Brielle. I'm really sorry..."

What Ethan did was still unforgivable. Killing Anika, Chad, and so many others....

"Goodbye, Ethan..."

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