Chapter 12

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It was a pleasant evening, Firey sat on the couch reading a book he had wanted to start before he left, Leafy was scrolling on her phone on the opposite side and Grove was on the floor playing with his toys.

They had eaten dinner together, afterwards Grove "helped" Leafy to wash up but it was more so him splashing the soapy water around, but Leafy didn't mind, she found it cute.

There was no talking other than Grove giving his action figures voices and mimicking fighting scenes with them.

Firey watched intently as he was genuinely curious about what the young, green haired boy was doing.

He had never really been around young children, he was an only child and he didn't really meet anyone who had much younger siblings, as a result he wasn't good with kids.

Seeing one actually in front of him felt strange, since meeting Grove he didn't really know what to do, he couldn't treat him like an adult but he didn't want to baby him so he had kind of just kept his distance.

Grove looked up and held out a small, red mech toy to Firey and asked him if he wanted to play.

"Hey, isn't that usually my job to be the red guy?" Leafy laughed.

"Yeah, but I think Firey can do his voice better, you sometimes sound silly when you do it, mama," Grove said as a matter of factly.

"Hm, I see," Leafy replied, unimpressed.

Grove picked up a different toy, a strange Ninja-robot and he handed it to Leafy.

"You're good at this one though," he smiled.

"Nice save,"Firey snickered.

Leafy rolled her eyes and sat on the ground with Grove, looking at Firey expectantly.

"You want me to join?" he questioned uncertainly.

Grove nodded happily, moving the mech closer to Firey.

"I dunno, I don't think I'd even know how to play," Firey laughed awkwardly.

Grove sat back sadly and sighed, he had a small frown on his face as he put the mech down.

Leafy scooted closer to Firey and pulled him down the the collar of his shirt.

"Firey, do not make my kid upset or I swear to God,"

Leafy glared at him and Firey gulped nervously as he took the mech from Grove and fell off the sofa after Leafy let go.

After they had started playing, Leafy and Firey sat beside each other, putting on silly voices and doing what Grove told them to do, currently they were pretending the toys were in a cafe but five minutes prior they had been battling for ownership of a big castle, Firey was confused but played along.

Strangely enough, Firey was actually enjoying the game. Grove had a laugh that was similar to Leafy's and he had a charm about him that made playing with a toy mech endearing.

He liked hearing Leafy laugh, he thought it was sweet how she paid attention to Grove and actually took the game seriously and the voices she gave the toys were pretty funny to him.

Grove and Leafy had a sweet relationship, it was clear that Leafy adored him and he clearly thought she was the best mom in the world. To Firey, they were a perfect mother-son duo.

It was weird at first to Firey, seeing Leafy as a mom but as he got used to it he realised that it was perfect for her, she was kind, patient and a very loving person, the ideal type for a mom.

Deep down, a part of him felt... lonely? Left out? He couldn't put a word on it but he felt a bit sad that he didn't feel like a "dad"

He had never really given the idea much thought but he and Leafy and spoken about it once or twice, he hadn't told her but he liked the idea of it on the rare times it crossed his mind.

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