Chapter 13

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Leafy walked up Golfball's driveway and knocked on the door.

Golfball answered and let Leafy in, she greeted her and ushered her into the living room where she had laid two cups of coffee on a table.

Leafy sat down across from the silver haired woman, making idle small talk as she got comfortable.

"Okay, can I cut to the chase?" Leafy asked.

"Please do," Golfball nodded.

"I'm going to be really honest with you, I'm trusting you with information that you cannot tell anyone under any circumstances," Leafy said grimly

Golfball nodded, sipping her coffee.

"Seriously GB, you have to promise you won't tell a soul," Leafy pleaded.

"I won't, don't worry," Golfball assured her.

"No, you have to promise," Leafy demanded as she leaned forward and stuck her pinky finger out.

Golfball looked at her in disbelief and slight cringe.

"Leafy, I am not doing a pinky-promise with you," she insisted.

"Please Golfball, it'll help me feel better about telling you," she wheeled.

Golfball outwardly groaned as she linked her pinky with Leafy's and said she promised not to tell anyone what Leafy said.

Leafy sat back, satisfied then her expression grew serious.

"As you know, Firey is alive and he's been living with me and by living with me, he's living with my kid," Leafy began.

"Everything is going well, he's really sweet with Grove and they get along, Firey's really been making an effort to make it up to me,"

Leafy shuffled awkwardly, trying to adjust herself in the chair.

"He's being too nice, he's been so wonderful and it feels like a blessing that I get to be with him again but I'm accepting his love while lying to him," she said sadly.

"What do you mean?" Golfball asked.

"Well, looking back now, there were signs that something was going on with Firey, things that seem obvious now," Leafy recalled.

"He was working overtime, he was tired a lot and stressed, he kept watching the news when there was talk about crime and he kept having to leave at strange times to do work assignments,"

"For a while, I thought he was cheating, especially with the weird work hours. I was anxious a lot and kept trying to be a good wife to Firey but due to the stress I would only irritate him," she sighed.

Golfball have her a slightly sympathetic look but it still felt like she wasn't entirely interested but she never was the empathetic type.

"A few days before he died, Firey suddenly became a lot calmer and more appreciative of things around him, it was probably him making the most of the time he had left with me before he had to do whatever he did," Leafy said thoughtfully.

"He became much more affectionate and three days before the crash, we... um, we, you know..." Leafy had a rather embarrassed expression on her face and Golfball pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Well, then as you know I was sick a few weeks later and I went to the doctor's to get checked out, and ta-da, I was... pregnant,"

Leafy stared at her feet, like a child who had just been caught doing something they shouldn't as Golfball finally put two and two together and gaped at her, open mouthed.

"Uh, yeah so, Firey is Grove's... father," Leafy said with fake enthusiasm.

"Oh my God, why didnt I just know?" Golfball asked herself "It's so obvious now,"

"I think it was the greif, I didn't even realise it until I was a month in," Leafy sighed.

"I decided to keep the baby , as a way of still having a bit of Firey with me and I decided I'd love them no matter what and I'd be the best parent ever, so I started working over time so I could afford a good lifestyle,"

Tears threatened to spill from Leafy's eyes and to her surprise, Golfball held her hand gently, her way of saying that she was there for her.

"But, now he's back and he might actually be able to be Grove's father but with all the leaving and the not telling me anything I just can't trust him completely but I just sound like a total hypocrite," she said.

"He doesn't know Grove is his but they just fit together, I'm just trying to figure out if I tell him or not,"

Golfball thought for a moment, taking a slow sip from her coffee before putting it down.

"Don't tell him,"


"Wait a bit before saying anything, let him prove he can be trusted and that he actually will stay or wait for him to tell you what happened, that'll prove it to you I think,"

"What if he finds out by himself or I accidentally let it slip?"

"I'm sure he'll understand, he'll probably be ecstatic to be a dad so I doubt he'd care,"

"This is honestly a surprise to hear from you, I thought you want me to be honest,"

"Leafy, I saw what happened to you when you thought he had died, you were heartbroken, that man put you through so much and then waltzes back into your life like nothing happened? You have a very good reason to not tell him,"

"Still, it concerns him and I just feel like he has a right to know, I feel so guilty!"

"You're doing it to protect yourself and Grove, you don't want Grove to go through what you went through and I have a large respect for you for that,"

"So you really think I shouldn't say anything yet?"

"Yes, wait a bit longer just to cautious, I mean what if it turns out he really isn't dad material?"

"You're right, Grove comes first I've done well so far I think, I'm not gonna let Firey mess it all up,"

"Exactly, you're doing so well, why end here?"

"What should I do though? Do I keep acting like it's all normal?"

"Yeah, keep doing what you're doing, it seems that everyone is happy this way,"

"Hm okay, I still feel bad about it all,"

"Don't, Firey is a good guy once it's all explained he'll understand why you didn't tell him right away,"

"I hope so,"

Leafy pushed her cup away and sank in her chair while gazing out the window, with an empty, guilt-like feeling in her chest.

"I really hope so,"

A slightly shorter chapter today but I just wanted to write it because of the drama.

I hope you enjoyed!


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