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I hurriedly packed my stuff so that I won't be late for my princess's birthday and wouldn't want to go home meeting a pissed of Wilmar,the drama queen would act as if he had committed a grave mistake that has cause the decline of the world that how dramatic she could be.

Packing my car safely,I entered to see that birthday party in full swing with the birthday girl receiving all the attention she desired.

"Papa,you late!"She said more like a statement than a question.I explained to her that I was busy and she flashed me an impatient expression and stretching her hand towards me without saying a word so I dropped my gift in her palm before she disappeared to God knows where,rude but I didn't put much thoughts into her actions just happy that she was happy,maybe I did have a bit of a daughter complex but life has been shitty for me to know that I have to put much focus on the things I desired to protect than waste them on unimportant things.

Shortly,my parents arrived,they nodded at me before bypassing me to go to their granddaughter,who abandoned the gift I bought for her and rushing for her grandparents and smiling affectionately towards them.It stinged very much but as always I learnt to mask my true feelings and made a mental note to talk to my psychologist about how I felt.

Next to arrive were my brother and his family and a boy that looked like a combination of Raynell and Raine.Something about the boy gave me warning bells that I threw at the back of my mind  and going to greet my brother and his family.I was making small chats with Oscar but my eyes couldn't help but travel towards the boy or rather young man.

He looked bored but it didn't make him less attractive but rather made people curious about him yet unable to get close to him such powerful aura at a young age made it known he wasn't at all ordinary nor weak.

He smirked at me when our eyes met  and I  nervously removed my eyes from him wondering how his presence could affect me so much but as usual I shrug it off.

We ended the party at around ten in the night before calling it a day.I was exhausted but happy that at the end my baby girl was feeling bliss.I showered before tiredly getting in bed  with my mind fleeing to the scene were Nova which I found his name fascinating smirking at me.

I had to get some sleep because tomorrow was an important business deal with some invester and Villarosa restaurants needed to get that deal asap to solidify our connection in certain powerful countries.Thinking about the hectic day tomorrow,sleep found it way towards me without any warning.

Meanwhile, someone couldn't sleep because he was devising ways that he could have the older Alpha for himself as strange as it may sound John James Villarosa was his and no one else and he was going to make him his.Such possessiveness for the other shocked him but he didn't dwell much on it and was looking for ways to get close with John and it seems the heavens were on his side because an opportunity just knocked on his door and who was he to reject it.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share plus pardon my grammatical errors.Tell me how you think of John and his daughter.


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