More Puzzles!

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We start right where we left off. Ben and Frisk are still shocked at what Chara has told them.

Ben: "Are you absolutely sure that Sans can see you?"

Chara: "Yes. He has stared directly at me twice, and he winked at me. There is no way he can't see me."

Frisk: "This is weird. How could Sans see her?"

Ben: "I'm not sure, but we'll have to ask him. In the meantime, we have to get through..." He sighs. "More puzzles."

Frisk and Chara sigh as well, before following Ben into the next area. There they meet Nice Cream man, who looks a bit depressed.

Nice Cream Man: "I don't understand why these aren't selling. It's the perfect weather for something cold." He looks up, seeing Ben and Frisk. "OH!!! CUSTOMERS!!! Would you like some Nice Cream? It's the frozen treat that warms your heart! Now just 15 G!"

Ben takes a quick look and sees that he and Frisk have earned 64 Gold from fighting monsters so far.

Ben: "Uh, sure." He gives 15 G. "Here you go."

Nice Cream Guy: "Here you go! Have a super-duper day." He gives Ben the Nice Cream, which disappears into his inventory.

Ben: "I will never get used to that." He says while walking away with Chara. "And what is she doing?"

They watch as Frisk kicks a snowball around until it reaches a hole in the course. A yellow flag comes out and she runs over, holding 3 G.

Frisk: "Look what I got. I wonder who set it up."

Ben: "Not sure." He takes the Gold and puts it away. "Let's go see Sans. He's just up there."

When they go up to him, he says that he's selling some fried snow. He keeps putting the price higher, before Frisk says they don't have enough.

Sans: "what? you don't have the money? hey, that's alright. i don't have any snow."

Ben, Frisk, and Chara look around them. They are completely surrounded in snow.

Ben: "Okay. Anyway, can you see her?"

Sans: "see who?" He points at Frisk. "her?"

Ben: "No, her." He points at Chara. "You know, the ghost girl floating next to me?"

Sans: "oh yeah. i can see her."

Frisk: "But how can you? Me and Ben can only see her because our souls are connected to whatever's left of hers."

Sans: "how should i know?" He shrugs. "i have absolutely no idea."

Ben: "Have you seen any other ghosts before?"

Sans: "nope. just her. anyway, you guys should probably hurry to the next area." He whispers into their ears. "my bro gets a little cranky if I'm he waits too long."

Chara: "Yeah, we should get going."

Ben: "Alright. Let's get a move on."

Before heading into the next area, they check the area next to Sans. It has two guard posts, seemingly for a couple. It even has a smell rating sign in between them. Shortly after that, they decide to head into the next area. There they find Sans and Papyrus again. Right between the two groups, a piece of paper lies on the ground.

Papyrus: "HUMANS!!! I HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR..." He pauses for a moment, before turning to Sans. "SANS!! WHERE'S THE PUZZLE?!?"

Sans: "it's right there." He points at the paper. "on the ground. trust me. there's no way they can get past this one."

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