How to Get Away with Saving the World

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You can't put your finger to it, but you're sure you've heard of him before. He seems to be the kind of guy Dean would talk on and on about if he had just come back from a hunt - which, he would have talked about this guy; he did just appear in the middle of the apartment.

"Squirrel, Feathers," the man nods with civility to Dean and Castiel. "Where's Moose? And - oh, this must be the precious one," the man turns to you. He has a slight shadow of a beard appearing on his chin, and devious eyes. "I'm going to call you..." He seems to think about it.

You interrupt. "Let's just stick with ______ for now," you impose. "And you are?"

Over the man's shoulder you see Dean move to trace his throat in the don't go there gesture.

"The name's Crowley, poppet, King o' Hell. But instead of small talk that leads inevitably toward dinner tonight in Milan, between you and me, I'm here to for business talk." He smirks.

If Dean's eyes could shoot bullets, they'd already have shot Mr Crowley, you're sure. But they can't, and you're glad for that. Mainly because that would be a strange super power, and that it would be nearly unexplainable to humanity how the it had happened.

"Yes, Crowley," God-Chuck says, "______ is The Vinculum. You might remember her from -,"

"February, 1907," Crowley huffed. "I don't want to talk about it." He looked at his fingernails with a sense of false boredom. "But I do want to talk about the fact you can unite heaven and hell to co-exist in peace," he added. "Finally."

Gabriel huffed. "It's only taken a Millenia or so, but we're here. And we all want to fix what we started. Don't we?" He added, jesting.

You couldn't help but feel Dean's gaze pressuring you. Maybe it was because his home was invaded by supernatural creatures and interrupted Dr Sexy M. D. , you didn't know. But you knew what you had to do.

"Yeah," you agreed. "I have to do this. I've been screwing up ever since I met Dean, and that's because of you," you point to Chuck-God, "and your demons," you frown at Crowley, "and I want to do something good for a change."

Balthazar patted you on the back. "You tell 'em," he praised.

It just so happens at that moment, the bathroom door opened, and an only towel clad Sam Winchester emerged, his long hair wild like the way wet dogs shake their fur.

"Ah, there you are, Moose!" Crowley beamed.

Nearly dropping his towel, Sam screeched. "God! What the hell, Crowley?" He breathed, clutching both his chest and towel, "I'm going to get changed!" Sam stated, and rushed toward yours and Dean's room.

"I'll help you with that," Gabriel excused himself.

Dean frowned.

", what do I have to do?" You prompted these supernaturally gifted people before you in a vain attempt to figure out what the heck was going on.

Chuck cleared his throat. "There are five main sources blocking union between all of these creatures you hunt, these demons and my children," he begins, ignoring the sound of a breaking lamp in the next room. "Each of them come from different sides of the supernatural world, and when they are all put together, you will know what to do."

Crowley straightened his tie. "In other words, you're going to be assisted for only two of the five - the demons and the angels. As much as we want to think we're hot stuff and control the others, it'll be harder to get the witches, werewolves and fey items."

Balthazar nodded. "There're more monsters than just those three, you know," he noted.

Dean hummed. "Technicality, I guess."

You bobbed your head. "So, I've got to make sure I can get all of these? What do they look like, are they all on this continent? Where do I activate them all?" You implored.

Chuck-God smiled. "It shall come to you when the time is right." He said in an ominous, douche-bag way. "Let's just say, you're not ordinary anymore -,"

You laugh darkly. "Don't I know it."

" - and you're more than capable of small miracles." He whispers.

Crowley rolls his eyes. "Now this pep talk is over with, I've got to roll. Hell to run, demons to subjugate, souls to file. The drill."

"Sonofa-," Dean went to cuss him, but the demon was gone. "Dammit."

Chuck sighed. "The shit I put up with in order to have peace on earth," he mumbled, "If anyone needs me, I'll be in Heaven, telling Joshua everything."

And he was gone too.

"So Dad - ah, he's disappeared. Again. And so's that short guy. Huh, so now we look for the special checkpoints so the Avatar here can reunite the nations of the world?" Gabriel started, walking in causally. You noted his ugly suit was rumpled, and most of the shirt buttons in the wrong holes. "Yay, or nay?"

Balthazar looked his brother up and down. "Nay to that shirt, Gabe, and fix your bed hair." At this, Sam joined the room in an equal state, and Balthazar rolled his eyes.

Dean paused.

"...lets just ignore the fact that those two have lost their divine fashion taste, and that I really need to save the world?" You nearly shouted to get over the growing tension in the room.

"Yes! Good point. Let's do that." Sam agreed.

Dean barked out a laugh. "It's the only thing we can do, if we want ______ to finally be free of the hold God has on her."

Sam cocked his head. "That too."

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