Chapter Six, Anthropophagus

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I needed someone to believe what I saw. Whether that be Charlotte or Nadia or even Altair. I needed someone to know.

Charlotte coddled me almost. She didn't truly take in a word I said. I felt like a child. Nadia was nowhere to be found, as was Ruby. Altair was the last person because I can't take this to the staff, not yet. I took Altair behind the school, where I had seen the chaos ensue.

"I'm feeling sick, you need to understand." I said. He was staring at the ground.

"You're seeing things. You just found out this is a correctional school. You are just going a little bit crazy."

"Oh my God. How am I the insane one in the school for the insane. I know what I saw, you must believe me." I shook him lightly. "The least you could do is just listen to me after ignoring me after you kissed me."

"The kiss was a mistake, really. I didn't think of the repercussions. You know we can't be outside right now. Especially to be caught together."

"This is much bigger than the kiss, the ignoring, this is about flesh eaters."

"I can't be doing this right now."

He left again. I was left to stare into the forest where I had witnessed a life being taken, the woman's body was no longer there but I know I wasn't hallucinating as he believed I was. I know what I saw, and I must leave this school. America is not safer than England.

I reconsidered talking to the staff. No student would listen to me, they don't want to believe me. I wanted to take my matters to Headmistress Crow, about leaving, I wouldn't bring up the flesh eaters, but she isn't as accessible as I thought she would be. I walked back into school and into the student filled halls.

"Can we talk?" A light tap on my shoulder startled me. Not even the war put me on edge this much. I was met with Charlotte's eye. "I am sorry."

Her apology felt insincere, and it felt like a beg. Her desperation to keep me around weighed down on me. I didn't respond to her, I let her speak.

"I wanted to protect you. You seemed so happy to be here and I was shocked someone could be that happy after a long raging war and I wanted to protect that innocence. I'm sorry, Evangeline. I have developed a liking to you and that doesn't happen often."

I smiled.

"What, no, why are you smiling?" Charlotte's eyebrows furrowed, she leaned on her cane and tilted her head at me.

Charlotte described me as a happy, innocent soul. Something I never thought I'd be able to recover. My mom would tell me how happy of a girl I was, but after the war, after the incident, it was toned down. My smile grew wider.

"Thank you." I said. Silence enveloped us. Students brushed past us being we were unmoving. I was waiting for her to speak, she would open her mouth a couple times then close it before saying anything.

"Elliot is now my boyfriend." Charlotte said, her stare didn't waver from the flooring. Things that schoolgirls should be thinking about, romantic endeavours, classes, schoolwork, were the last thing on my mind. Survival and the anthropophagus roaming the school filled my mind.

Despite that,

"How? How could you arrange that? Did you ask or him? How are you guys going to go on dates, outings, does the academy have a theatre do you think? I'm so happy for you, Charlotte."

"Finally, back to your usual mouthful of words."


I was seated facing Headmistress Crow's empty chair. I was told she would see me shortly. I dug my nails in my thighs in anticipation.

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