Chapter Seven, Shots Fired

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They're back. Correction: Ruby and Nadia have always been here, and they never left. They never went missing after I found out about flesh eating monsters inhabiting the campus and their faces did not distort.

Altair is not speaking to me for the first time in a week right now.


"Hi." I responded. I can't pay attention to him. The electricity of our kiss has dissipated, I could only gaze down and imagine the flesh-eating monsters tearing out his abdomen. My breathing stunted. This is gross.

"My eyes are up here." He grinned. My face relaxed as I looked back up at his eyes.

"Do you want to stay here?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Presented with the option to leave, would you?" He gazed off with his arms crossed, his smile fell.

"I don't think so." My heart hurt. I was falling into the realization that I was alone, and no one can help me get out of this place. I will never escape this asylum that I was never meant for.

"What do you want?"

"Would you accompany to the masquerade dance?"

He asked perfectly. I love big asks, yes, but not for me. A simple question will do just fine. He has a sweet smile on his face and for a mere second that electricity returned as I contemplated my response.

"Absolutely not!" I stood up, disrupting the library around us. "You cannot come into my life, kiss me, and come and go as you please." I slammed my book shut and took it with me as I ran out. To give even more thing attention will combust my brain.

I almost forgot why I was in the library. I needed to get out of this academy. I sat to devise a plan for my survival. I don't belong here, and I'm on my own. Up until now, classes have been continuing as usual, these supposedly mentally ill people seem fine. But to be surrounded by danger is enough to need an out. My brother isn't here to protect me.

I will run tonight. As far as I can until I find the water. Until they let me out.

I walk through the halls and Ruby and Nadia are calm, they don't make any odd movements, looks, Nadia even smiled at me. Although last night I began crying at her face. We never spoke of it again.

"Do you have a date for the dance, Evan?" Nadia's accent soothed me. I smiled in return as I shook my head.

"I don't think I'll make it to the dance."

"Just because you don't have a date? We can all go together." Ruby said.

"Very kind of you, but I'll pass." I continued walking. I was ashamed to admit, but not having a date was embarrassing and going with the two girls I cried over was even worse. I won't miss this place.

This was the time of day that all classes have ended, and all the students are engaging in activities, going on walks in the courtyard. This was the time of day that I chose to pack only my essentials. I walked up to my dorm and gazed out the window. Guards were pacing the exits, but they take a break at night. They won't know when I leave.

I packed my mother's shoes. I packed a book. I packed notes Charlotte and I passed back in forth in class. These were essentials to me. I hid them in a bag underneath my bed and stared out of the window once more.

This school was beautiful when it was a prestigious school in my mind. The pillars brought wonder and excitement. On the surface this place was all I had ever dreamed of. But to fail to be cured will result in termination.

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