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USER29 this y'all golden girl 💀

USER87 so unprofessional of her

USER01 she needs to grow up

USER21 anyways ria bose on 🔝

USER19 under age drinking?
USER11 in Spain the legal age to drink is 18

USER18 she such a arrogant person

USER10 leave her alone she's 19 let her LIVE
USER28 the dick eating is CRAZYYYY
USER18 might as well do tricks on it

USER13 penberly 👻🤡

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I LOOKED AT my twitter feed seeing multiple tweets about me drinking and partying from last night, and I knew immediately that I was in trouble.

My coach had already warned me about this last time. he said that my bad reputation was damaging how Real Madrid is viewed by the public. He said if I didn't stop with this partying and drinking he would bench me for the whole season, but deep down inside, I knew he wouldn't really do it. After all, he knows how good of a player I am benching me would mean ruining the team's chances of success since they would crumble into absolute shit without me.

Oh, fuck I totally forgot I had practice today it was the first practice of pre season and I was running late. I hurried out of bed and into the restroom I looked in the mirror as I cringed at what I saw half-awake eyes, messy hair and wait...is that a hickey or a bruise? Well that explained why my head hurt so much this morning no more drinking for me. I quickly tie my hair into a pretty high ponytail in an attempt to look somewhat presentable.

I quickly pulled my sports uniform out of my closet and dressed myself in a matter of seconds; I knew this would save me time since I wouldn't have to spend the extra time trying to find something else to wear, or stress about changing into my uniform at the locker rooms. With that done, I walked down stairs over to my garage, where my sleek and shiny new 2023 Mercedes Benz was parked I quickly got in and took off on the road towards practice site.

On my way there I seen lots of fans by the gates i was feeling nice so I lower my window down "can u sign my jersey please" one fan said as they handed be there jersey as I was signing the fans jersey I noticed someone with a camera recording me as they asked, "How do you feel about people comparing you to Ria bose?" I answered, "I don't care about what others think. They can think other players are better, but in my mind I know I'm the best player not just in this generation but of all time." Nonchalantly, I rolled the windows back up and drove inside the practice site.

The moment I stepped foot out the car, It felt like i was walking towards a wall of judgement All the players stopped what they were doing and just stared at me with disappointment as their scorning eyes pierced deep into my soul. My coach said nothing as he just shot a glance my way that told me all I need to know I was in deep shit this time.

As practice ended I heard coach called my name "Silva come here". My heart dropped as I rushed up towards him, my voice trembled as all I could manage to say was "yea coach?". He yelled at me, "Silva what did I say about this partying and drinking didn't I say to stop with all this social media attention?"

I knew he had caught me out, yet I still tried to excuse my actions, "I'm sorry coach it as just a little get together that got out of hand". I tried to lie my way out of it, yet it was too late, I was already caught red handed.

Coach sighed as he shook his head and I followed him inside,"Sorry isn't going to fix anything. I'm tired of your arrogance. I've given you chance after chance but I'm done, now. We're having a meeting with Real Madrid president Perez Rodriguez, and I really do want you on this team, but your arrogance and pride is too strong. That's going to be the downfall of you kid."
I knew I had done it this time, coach had finally seen through me. I was in deep trouble now.

As we walked into the meeting, I saw Mr. Rodriguez and the men's and women's coach seated already, and I could tell that this meeting wasn't going to be good.

Mr. Rodriguez took a breath before breaking the silent "Silva, we've all grown to love having you on our team. However, your arrogance and downright disrespect has started to bring us down and damage our reputation serval times your coach has saved you from trouble but this time around we can't keep allowing your behavior go unchecked. After a lot of thought, we've come to the conclusion to transfer you out to Barcelona for 50 million euros."

"No, you can't do that," I pleaded, my voice growing desperate. "Madrid is in my blood, it's where I belong. I've been here since I was six years old. You can't kick me out, bench me for the whole season do anything but kick me out, please! I beg you!"

But my pleas were met with nothing more than silence. I looked to the other board members one-by-one, trying to appeal to their empathy, their emotions anything that might make them reconsider their decision. But all I found were serious expressions and a few sympathetic gazes. It was clear that they had made up their minds there was absolutely no changing it.

"I'm sorry," he said with no emotion as he motioned for me to exit the room. "But the decision has already been made. You're transferring this weekend, so you will have a few days to pack your belongings before you take off."

I felt betrayed by my own coach who I had looked up to for so long, the man that taught me all I know about football. He could see in my eyes how much this decision affected me but instead of saying something he chose to remain silent.

"Coach please," I finally spoke up only to be ignored. Not willing to take any more rejection I let my emotions take over and shouted in disbelief "Oh fuck you and fuck this shitty club! Don't try to contact me once this club goes down the drain!" As soon as those words left my mouth a wave of regret filled my heart. All at once it became clear that Real Madrid wasn't my home anymore more I now belong to Barcelona they were my new home.


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𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, Pedri Gonzales & Pablo Gavi Where stories live. Discover now