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I WONDER IF there truly is such a thing as "right person, wrong timing" or is it just an phrase we use to make ourselves feel better when someone we care so deeply about abandons us allowing us to to cling to the false hope they'll eventually return?

After years of not seeing Kimberly again, I never would've thought that I was going to see her again until three days ago. Seeing her again made all the old emotions that I had been so desperately trying to hide come flooding back. Eventually, months ago, I had managed to convince myself that I was over everything and that it was all behind me but now here it is again and ready to consume me one more time.

Part of me wanted to go up to her, make some petty remark just to see what she'd say, but in the end I just decided to head home. Who knows if she even remembers who I am, I was probably nothing more than a distant memory just like how she was to me.

"Yo gavi you listening?" Alejandro said, making me snap out of my thoughts. Alejandro had been a close friend of mine for quite a while now, and although I wouldn't call him my best friend because that title obviously belonged to Pedri already, we still had quite a strong bond between each other. "My fault, I was thinking." I said with an apologetic tone in my voice as I stretched my arms. 

I looked at Alejandro before asking him. "Do you really think that 'right person wrong timing' is a thing?" I asked, not knowing truly what I wanted him to say. The silence that followed after made me realize how pointless this question was, but I still held onto the belief that maybe Kimberly was the one destined for me and her return might be a sign of fate's attempt in making things right once again.

"Is this about Kim coming back?" he asked me. "No, I have no idea what you're talking about." I replied, trying to swallow my lie. He just shook his head "if you want to take that risk, you do what you have to do, but I just don't want to see you get hurt again." A brief moment passed and then he asked, "So, are you going to talk to her?"

I sighed deeply, taking a few moments to really think it over."Maybe I am. I don't know if things could ever be the same, but I can't seem to let go of her just yet." I told him truthfully Alejandro agreed before saying "Kimberly is the type of person who loves to leave no matter how hard u try. It's always the wrong timing for both of you." He looked away for a moment before turning back to me and continuing "But if you're feeling the urge to talk to her, it might be time."

I just nodded, realizing he had made a point. Kim was the type of person who loved to leave, but this time I wanted to be the one to leave first and break her heart just like how she carelessly broke mines. "Yea, you're right" I said to him. "Maybe it is time."

"So you're planning to make things right between the two of you?" He asked, not realizing what my real intention was. "Uhh...yeah...something like that." I hesitantly replied.

I wanted to make things right between us, but not for the same reason everyone else would expect.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, Pedri Gonzales & Pablo Gavi Where stories live. Discover now