stolen kisses

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In whispered moments, hidden and unseen,
Lies a tale of kisses, a love serene.
Unspoken, untouched, they quietly reside,
These tender secrets we so carefully hide.

Our memories keep them safe and enshrined,
The kisses we never talk about, undefined.
My lips sought solace upon your tender touch,
Yours met mine, a dance we loved so much.

Hands entwined, a symphony of desire,
Our souls embraced, consumed by the fire.
Yet no label of love adorned our connection,
Just friends, without a compromise. 

In the depths of friendship, we found our space,
Yearning hearts confined, but longing to chase.
Unspoken, unrequited, a bittersweet refrain,
A love whispered softly, never to explain.

Moments stolen, lingering in shadows cast,
A clandestine love, destined not to last.
But within those stolen fragments of time,
Our hearts embraced, transcending the line.

For though our lips dared not speak of devotion,
Our souls whispered secrets in silent emotion.
The kisses we never talk about, so profound,
A treasure of the heart that will forever astound.

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