unspoken love

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In the corridor's fleeting glance, memories cascade,

A night where we sought solace, our pasts gently laid.

Kisses and touches, a dance to forget,

Yet emotions emerged, a love unforeseen, beset.

Supposedly devoid of sentiment, a fleeting affair,

But your brown eyes, a captivating lair.

Amidst crowded rooms, their allure never dies,

Distinct and magnetic, I recognize.

They made my legs quiver, a blush on my face,

A love clandestine, I tried to erase.

Yet, you remain radiant, untouched by time,

The same familiar face, no longer mine.

In the echo of our shared history,

Your beauty endures, a bittersweet mystery.

As pretty as ever, though paths now diverged,

You linger in my thoughts, a love submerged.

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