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Five days until Press Tour

I've always loved the color green, especially emerald green. My stylist Rosemary knows that fact well. A majority of the clothes I've tried on this morning are a mixed array of greens in different styles. I've tried dresses, jumpsuits, two-piece sets, and more casual jeans and blouses. All of them reflect my own style.

I'm incredibly grateful for a stylist who knows me, knows what works well with my body and is also keen to the way I might feel in it.

"This one is beautiful. I think this is day one of the tour for sure. What do you think?" Her warm weathered hands splay across my waist, tugging the emerald green jumpsuit in with the curve of my hip. It hugs my stomach but not in a suffocating way, but rather in a reminder that it's there.

I rake my eyes over my reflection in the mirror, ignoring any negative thoughts about myself and focusing only on the positive ones. How I like the color, of course, and how the neckline is almost like a vest, cutting low but not too low. I like how the pants flow down straight, and aren't skin-tight.

"I think so too." She smiles, taking a photo on her phone and then helping me undress.

We continue this routine, picking out different outfits for different days and then a variety of others for unscheduled appearances.

As far as I know for the first week of the tour, I will be doing interviews every day, Monday - Friday in Los Angeles. Then scattered events for the rest of the month, including traveling to New York for a weekend. This was my first time doing a real movie promo since my previous projects consisted of supporting roles or limited promo.

It was going to be a long two months.

"Alright hun, we're done here. I'm going to get working on all the adjustments and get them sent to you in time." Rosemary steps away from the pile of clothes just as I tie up my white robe around my nearly nude body.

"Thank you for everything. How's Sarah?" Sarah is Rosemary's youngest granddaughter who just turned one, and she's absolutely adorable.

"Oh she's amazing, here let me show you pictures." I sit there for another ten minutes looking at baby pictures with my stylist before I remember I'm meeting Toni for a late lunch. I bid Rosemary goodbye and headed to the adjoining room to get changed. The weather is on its way back to being obnoxiously hot so I've settled on shorts, a plain T-shirt, and tennis shoes.

My sister is the stylish one, not me. And she doesn't have to pay someone to put an outfit together.


Exiting the building, I tug my glasses over my face and make the short walk around the corner to the lunch spot Toni and I love. The sun is hot and leaving a reddish hugh to my fair skin, reminding me I should probably use some self-tanner before the press starts. Thanks to running all year, I've managed to not be gastly pale, but the layers of sunblock I've used each day have kept me from a nice tan.

It's weird, walking around LA again after a year of avoiding anywhere in public. The crowds of tourists, residents, and future somebody's rush around me in waves. I navigate through them, careful to keep my head down. I've already made eye contact with a few surprised faces and want to keep it at that.

It only takes me another five minutes of walking before I enter the cafe. I spot Toni quickly who sits up when she sees me, waving me over.

"Hot one huh?" Toni comments on my sweat-stained face.


"You need some sun, hun. Look at you." She jokes.

"I know, I might schedule a fake tan before we start." We laugh in comfortable banter.

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