Chapter One : Rebirth

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I yank the straps on Lee's backpack reiterating the exit plan in case she's cornered.

Her boyfriend confidently slaps my back, "Don't worry Dem, I'll take care of her out there."
"I know you will." A heavy sigh escapes my mouth without my authority and I nod the shame away, "Just make sure you look after yourself out there too."
Darnell smirks and pulls Lee into a side hug, "Come on, Dem. It's been quiet out there for weeks–"
I slap his face and point at him, deepening my voice to hopefully get through to him although he's half a ruler taller than me. "Don't get cocky! That's what gets people killed. And just because it's been quiet doesn't mean it's safe. In fact, it means the opposite. We don't know what they're planning." Lee's doe eyes stare into mine and I'm reminded she's only fifteen, barely. I sigh and shift glances between both kids in front of me, "Just never forget : That this is war."

Darnell and Lee exchange a quick glance and nod back at me avoiding my eye contact like it's a plague.
My thoughts echo, All right, I think that's good, Dempsey.
Wren's voice thunders around me and snaps me out of my mind. "Well? What are you two waiting for?! Those freaks aren't gonna stop for you."
"She's right. Go on. Grab us some fresh water... before it turns to blood." I narrow my eyes and shoo the kids away, hoping I've done enough by them.
Wren nods at me with her abrasive smirk and walks back to Merrick who's cleaning the guns and I follow behind.

Merrick's focus on the pistol in his hands falters as he glances at me and his girlfriend whilst questioning me, "Water isn't the only thing we need. Our med cart is low, too."

I bend my knee and press my foot against the wall as I lean back into it, "We already talked about this, we can't spend any more of our luck by sending someone else out there."

Wren grabs a metal chair, and scrapes it across the floor to sit beside Merrick, watching him clean with her elbows on the metal table. "Are you cleaning these as routine maintenance or because you're planning on going out there right now?"

He can't. He went out last week. They race around the tracks in my mind and I shake them away. "If that's what you're doing, let me make it clear, no one else is going out there today. We can't chance it."

Wren shakes her head, putting her hand on the gun in his hands, "Babe."

"We need those supplies!" Merrick slides the barrel into place and pulls it back, checking its functionality. "Like you said, it's quiet now but it won't be for long. We have to be ready for those bastards and we will lose our people if we don't have enough bandages and stitches!"

"I'll do it then." I turn my head and see Lynn walking towards us from the stairs. "It's almost my turn to go out again. Send me out."

A scoff escapes me, What is this, a challenge to my leadership?

I growl out. "I've already said no."

Wren smacks her lips, "Come on, Dem. She's our best shot if none of us go."

Wren's right. She's seen more of the hospital than we have and she's dealt with more than our share of bloodshed. Ugh, am I really considering this? I shake my head. What would Reese say?

Merrick sighs, "She can take care of herself Dem. Let her do this; for us."

Reese's words cross my mind, 'One of the biggest wars in history wasn't lost to better tactics but lack of medical treatment."

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