Chapter 15 : Saying Goodbye

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The lighter shuts as I whip my wrist and inhale the tobacco from the cigarette between my lips. Everyone pours into the room after me, at once, standing all around Harris' body on the cold concrete.

Wren nods at me on her way upstairs, "I'll be up top, keeping watch."

Dempsey's deep voice echos, "Okay."

Kenny kneels down beside Harris' body, and through a cracking voice, he questions us, "And it just happened? Those gunshots we heard, it was this?"

D crouches down beside Kenny, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Yeah."

Raven growls, "So what? We're just going to let this happen?!"

Dempsey raises his hands, "No. Of course not-"

Raven snaps, "Then why the hell aren't we gun a-blazing, right now?!"

I exhale the smoke and pull the cigarette from my lips, "Because, we're not stupid."

Raven's eyes narrow at me as she walks towards Dempsey who's standing in front of me. "Is it stupid to want those freaks dead for this?!"

Dempsey sighs with disappointment and I stare down Raven's deep brown eyes as I growl out, "It's stupid, to go after them without a proper plan. Otherwise we'd all end up like Harris."

Darnell stands up in a heartbeat and snaps, "Hey! Watch your mouth."

I throw my head back with a sigh and cross my arms as I lean against the wall. "I'm not wrong." I bring the burning cigarette to my lips and suck it, in between sentences. "And you know it."

D shakes his head and crouches back down beside Kenny.

Dempsey turns around and shoots me a look and I shrug. It doesn't matter if I'm the callous one. As long as I keep us alive.

Dem turns back around and with a sigh he gains the confidence to console the group. "We'll talk about our plan to attack, after we say goodbye to Harris. But we're not going to rush this. Kenny and all of you need to let go of him tonight, so tomorrow our heads are clear to fight."

The room is silent for a few minutes as everyone shuffles around the room to get a look at Harris.

Skye rubs her neck, "It's been so long since we've lost someone, I don't even know what we're supposed to do."

Dem nods and takes a seat on the red couch. He's not going to say anything. He never has the stomach for this kind of stuff. 

I suck the cigarette for a good three seconds and pull it away from my lips, "Why don't we say a few words? About Harris. We could go in a circle if no body wants to start."

Dem nods, "That's a good idea."

I put the cigarette back in my mouth to keep from cursing him under my breath. He should be a better leader for them, he shouldn't need me here to hold his damn hand. Wren's better with him, kinder. More patient. That couldn't be me.

Skye speaks first but I tune her out. 

Harris, was a good kid. Young. He deserved a life but we're just sitting ducks for those infested freaks, right now! If it were up to me, we would've burned his body and this place down hours ago. We'd be saying these memories in Wren's house. Harlow speaks next. I blow out the cigarette smoke in perfect rings.

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