Chapter 18: A is for Amicable

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My weight shifts from knee to knee as I watch the flickering glow come down the steps. What do I even say? 'Hi, sorry to bother you, but I have nowhere else to go'? He doesn't even know that I've been staying with Dempsey and Wren. Would he even take me in if he knew?

The citrine glow reaches the door and with a metal squeal, a hole on the door opens- exposing Arden's freckles and curls against his forehead. Thin metal swirls block my view of him, creating a lion's face over his.


I nod, "Can I come in?"

He stares me up and down for a split second before he closes the little metal door on his side.

And air slowly escapes me. Where do I go now?

I close my eyes, preparing myself to leave his porch when I hear a plock and the door squeaks open. 

He stretches out his arm welcoming me in, "What are you doing here?"

He's letting me in? A sigh of relief escapes the smile creeping across my face.

I shrug and limp towards him, "It's a long story."

Arden moves out of the doorway and picks up his oil lamp, raising it up to my face as I walk in.

"What happened to your face?"

"Kinda got into a fight with a pothole."

He nods, "It wouldn't be the one on Conrad and Glenn would it?"

I nod and he pushes the door closed behind me. "I suppose that's where your limp came from as well?"

I nod again, "Is it okay if I stay with you tonight?"

He locks the door and sighs, "Is this about your house? Is it haunted?"

I shake my head and he turns around to me and gestures me further into his house before taking the lead to his family room.

"No. Well... I don't know."

"That's the problem with Willow Brooke, either a house is falling apart from neglect or it's haunted and ripping you apart."

"Well I wouldn't know, I don't have a house here. Yet."

"I thought you got one?"

I shake my head and he sighs and stands beside a sofa chair.

His house is small inside, crowded but tidy. From outside I could've sworn it was twice this size. His family room is a direct walk in from the door, and the only light in here is emanating from his single oil lamp. It only lights up a 5 foot radius of space. A wooden square coffee table stands between a plaid loveseat and two sofa chairs. Arden twirls his hand at the couch and I sit as he puts the oil lamp on the coffee table between us.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?" He asks as I sit down on the sofa and rub my hands on my jeans.

I shake my head, "No, I'm fine."

Arden nods and takes a seat on the sofa chair, "Just let me know if that changes."

I nod and we sit there in silence for a few seconds until we both speak at the same time.

"Sorry, ladies first." Arden says through a laugh.

"I was just- I'm sorry for coming over like this." I gesture to my ankle and face.

He shakes his head, "Nonsense. I'm glad to have you, but... why are you here?"

I sigh, "It's a long-"
"-Story, I know." He sits back in this chair and crosses one leg over the other, "I have time. Start at the beginning."

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