Chapter 19: R is for Responsible

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"First, we get you a new watch." Arden's words replay in my mind as I walk to Funky Fashion.

"A watch? Why?"

"Right now, Olsen doesn't know you betrayed him-"
"I didn't betray him."
Arden's head tilts as a smirk appears while he cleans the scrape on my face, "You did. You fraternized with his greatest enemy. When he finds out, he's not going to go easy on you."

"So let's make sure he doesn't find out."

Arden called in a favor at the Jewelry store, and got a replica of the red watch Olsen got me, before the sun came up this morning.

"Next, you have to stay low, inconspicuous. Don't give him a reason to suspect you. That means, you and Olsen are best friends now. He invites you out to lunch, go with him. He asks you to his house, go."
"What if he asks to come to mine?"

Arden nods, "We'll get you a house in town, I'll help you spruce it up. But you'll stay at mine until you're comfortable on your own."

I'm supposed to meet Arden at lunch time to pick out a house.

I wince at the cotton towel against my open skin, "What about getting me back to the Rebels?"

"One step at a time, Rowboat. Dempsey told you to go back in a week, so give me a week to figure out a plan."

I nod and he dips the towel in a ceramic bowl of bloodied water and wrings it out.

I reach the window of Olsen's boutique, and watch as Olsen folds a blue cardigan on his counter.

"One last thing, Rowan. Don't be too eager. Or he'll see right through you." Arden's words haunt me as Olsen turns and sees me thru the window.

My heart stops and my lungs refuse to pump air. His piercing blue eyes glare into mine before a smile creeps onto his face.

Lighten up and smile at the lunatic. I think to myself and my muscles release and my organs run again. I open the door and walk in with a smile, "Good morning."

Olsen steps out from behind the counter and points at his cheek, "What happened here?"

"But he already thinks I own a place in town?" My conversation with Arden last night flashes through my mind. "Tell him it's haunted, you ran out of the house in a panic and tripped. Say you spent the night at the Library."

I shake my head and start removing my coat. "I tripped last night."

"Anything I should be concerned about?"

I shake my head, "Not unless you know a priest who can do an exorcism on my house?"

Olsen nods, "We're all out of those, I'm afraid. But you should move."

I nod, "I'll look for a new place later today." I hang my coat up on the rack by the door and Olsen turns back to his counter.

"Well, let's get to work."


Across town, four hours earlier.

"So what the hell are we gonna do to those bastards?!" Wren kicks the sofa.

Finch saunters down the stairs while rubbing their eyes, "Wren, it's too early for this."

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