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Y/N POV :-

It's 5 am and I couldn't sleep at all last night after the meeting, I am wayyyyyy too excited I am going to visit the set today for script reading and costume checks and meet the cast after school. Kevin told me to give out letter telling my principal about the filming scenarios and that he will have a talk with him as well so now even if I don't have shoot I can roam around and tell my principal that I was filming!

I was really excited to tell my friend but Kevin said I can only say to one of them, I have already decided to tell it to Sky anyway. But first I have to survive school, it's gonna be a chaos. 

After about an hour of laying in my bed and reading a Sebastian Stan fanfic on Wattpad I decided to get up and get dressed. I got to school and our first period is Spanish. Ok, not so bad! 

~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP TO THE END OF SCHOOL~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Oh god! It's finally over, I can finally go to set it was like the only thing that I have been talking and thinking about the whole day.

As soon as I got out of the building I saw a man in a black suit with a board that had my name on it standing in front of a black Mercedes. I quick bid my goodbyes and ran straight to that dude, he greeted me and opened the door for me to enter the car as soon as I settled in he told me put seat belt on and we left.

I think we drove for about 15 minutes before he stopped the car and opened the door for me. I got down, took my bag, said him thank you and left to find the Russo brothers. When I pushed open through a door I saw almost the cast members chilling and talking there, I got really nervous but soon enough Mr. Boseman stood up and said "Hey! You're the new girl right who was in the meeting yesterday! Come here, don't be shy. I'm Chadwick if you don't know. Chadwick Boseman." I nodded and told him that I of course knew him.

Then the man himself ROBERT FREAKING DOWNEY JR. stood up and said "Hey, little one welcome to the family!" When he said those words it was like my heart skipped a beat but I gave him a large grin and he kicked Chris Evans' foot to get out and hugged me and then took me to the brothers.

As soon as they saw me Anthony asked "Hey, you must be y/n right? It's such a pleasure to meet one of our upcoming most powerful AND strongest superhero!" I nodded "No way sir, the pleasure's all mine to meet my idols and are you being serious? Am I seriously going to stronger than Wanda AND Thor?" I questioned them and Joe said with a smile on his face "YEAH! absolutely, afterall YOU are the daughter of Loki and Wanda who is trained by the winter soldier and is the favourite person of T'challa after Shuri of course. You have both Wanda and Loki's power together and you're as strong as Thor and T'challa. You're also brave like Nat and Carol you're like the exact replica of everyone but even stronger. I am pretty sure that you're going to be stronger than G'iah  as well!" I think he said too much out of excitement cause I could see his face of regret.

I just smiled and they left me with Downey to hangout with the other ones. Soon after as Downey and I were walking down the hall and talking about my favourite avenger, I got a little to excited and crashed into Tom Hiddleston AND fell. He first took a look at Downey who was about to burst out laughing at this point and then looked down at me and knelt down to my height and said "Oh! You must be y/n! Darling, I am so sorry, it was all my fault little one."

I looked up at him as he held my hands and helped me to stand up. Although I was really awkwarded I sarcastically told him "Oh no it's just fine Mr. Hiddleston, and except it wasn't your fault anyway I was just talking to Mr. Downey here and he didn't ever bother to tell me that I was going to crash into you." that made both Downey and Tom chuckle "Well darling seems like you're going to share a trailer with me as yours isn't ready yet so, Robert I'll take her up from here now I guess. Y/n, follow me!" Tom said with a excitement in his voice and large grin on his face and with that Downey said "Ok, then kiddo, I'll see you around and if not then definitely for lunch, yeah? and Tom you know the plan we're going out for lunch." he asked me which I nodded to as a yes and he let know Tom. 

Then Tom and I left and as we were walking to our trailer Tom asked "So, would like tell me something about yourself? Like the only thing I know about you is that your name's y/n and your 13 and I mean I am your on-screen dad so I need to know something that the others don't." His words and tone made me chuckle  and I replied "Yeah! I absolutely agree with you DAD!"  I teased him a little and continued "Well except the 2 infos you know, I am Indian, I can speak Hindi and German and Spanish a little bit as well, it's my first time acting and my birthday is on 17 December which is, yes also Loki himselfs' birthday." He smiled and said "Wow! That's really interesting but guess what we are already at OUR trailer. It can be little messy please don't mind it, they told me about the sharing trailer thingy today morning so, I didn't get time to clean up" with a little 'please-adjust' smile on his face. "It's ok, if the mess was made by Tom Hiddleston himself then it doesn't really matter but my really question is why you ?" I teased him then asked. "Well, it's because I'm the only one who has 2 bedrooms in a trailer, others mostly have huge single bedrooms." he laughed at first and then said. I just nodded and entered.

 A thing about me who most people don't know and something that I don't like to bring in light is me cutting myself when I am in mental pain to forget about it and when I say mental pain I mostly always cry myself to sleep and even my parents don't know about it. I got this habit since my parents started to pressurize me for my studies and you know asian parents they don't give a shit about your mental health the only thing the care about are grades, but that wasn't the only reason, sometimes I just feel like people are just using me and then life just threw problems at me so, I found another way out.  I usually always have a pocket knife with me and of course I had it right now as well but I am definitely going try to not to do anything suicidal here with Tom as I don't want to be a burden to him and make people think that I am trying to draw attention. I'm really going to try my best. I also heard that I have to do a couple night layovers with the cast so, I gotta be really careful cause my nights are the toughest.

With that I was lost in my own thoughts until Tom shook me back to reality and assisted "Hey! Are you ok? If you need to talk, I am right here. Why don't you go get freshen up and we can then go get you ready to shoot?" I nodded and left to get freshen up.


💚💙BYEE...................TAKE CARE....................💙💚 

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