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I woke to find y/n sleeping with her head on my chest and a foot on each of my side like a little kid, I sure she'll grow into a teenager soon but for now, I think I'll just enjoy my little baby.

I just sat their admiring her cuteness and innocence for while before picking her up and putting her on the bed while covering her up with the sheets. I then go to my room to grab my phone as it displayed '5:47' on it. Great! I still have time to grab my tea (I was about to write coffee, almost forgot he was British, LOL) before, I need to wake y/n up. I am actually never up this early but last night wasn't any normal night either, right ?

Putting my thoughts aside, I leave to get my tea. There's this really amazing local shop near our set, there both coffee's and tea's are delicious. I think, I'll grab some coffee for y/n as well, she told me she drinks and really likes coffee, I mean although I would prefer her not to have any caffeine, what can I say. Also one of the greatest things about that place is that they open up from 5 in the morning which is really helpful for people like us.

I soon order and get my tea, I had also gotten three bagels and two coffees for Lizzie and y/n.

When I returned back to set it was around 6:10 so, I knocked on Lizzie's door to give her the coffee and bagel. She opened the door, and gave me a hug while I handed her the bagel and coffee. She thanked me and we had a conversation about y/n' first scenes today.

I check my phone again '6:26' and leave to wake up my little kiddo.

I enter our trailer and put the stuff on the table before entering y/n's room, to find her sleeping like a baby. I don't want to wake her up one bit, but I have to. "Darling, come on time to wake up, good morning, remember we have to shoot." I say, but she just nods, sits up, moves closer to me and puts her head on my lap. Oh god, now it's going to be even more tough. I remove a couple strands of hair from her face and sadly but mischievously, start tickling her. "o-k, al-al-alright. fi- fine, T-Tom ok y-you wi-win, I- I'm a-wake." she responds between laughs. I laugh back.

"Great! Now you shall get up and take a shower and there's coffee and a bagel for you on the table, alright? Now get up." I informed her. She just nodded and went to take a shower and fresh up but before entering the washroom she said "Can you give me something to wear, I am poor..." which made me chuckle and I nodded. 

I head to my closet and find a pair of my shorts which I am pretty sure will definitely cover at least her knees and a t-shirt with Loki and Bucky on it that was gifted to me by Sebastian on my birthday. 

I keep the clothes and call out "Hey y/n, I kept the clothes on your bed, ok?"

She just hummed back in response.

I grabbed my bagel and decided to complete my book as I had already taken a shower and got dressed. About 15 minutes through my book I heard a knock on the door, it was Seb,  we sat down and started having a talk.

Y/N POV :-  

I took a nice little shower and got dressed into the clothes that Tom gave me, it was one of his shorts which almost covered my whole leg just reminding me how tall he actually is and thanks to him, he gave me a short with the tightening lace so, now, I can tie the lace and not be scared that the short will fall off. He also gave me this amazing looking marvel t-shirt with him and Bucky on it, two of my very favourite characters actually.

I did my hair and put on some lip gloss before taking out my script and walking into the living room. 

I waved a 'HI' at Seb and sat down across him, he snorted at first and then asked "Are you still on borrow Tom's clothes mode, y/n? and is that the t-shirt I gave you, Tom?"

Both Tom and I chuckled and then I answered "Well, yes, Seb. I am still on that mode and poor, so, this gentleman here, unlike you, gave me one of his shirts!" 

"and yes, that is the t-shirt you gave me. I bring it everywhere with me." Tom continued.

We had a weird thoughts conversation before I looked at my phone as it  displayed '7:13' on it. We were told to be out by 7:30 so I informed them and we all left.

As soon as I got out, I saw Lizzie, and I definitely needed to hug her so, I quickly ran towards her like a little kid when they see candy but I almost crashed into Joe (Russo) on the way there which he reacted to by saying "WOAH! There lil' girl, hang on, you can hug Lizzie later but now you have to go to the hair and makeup trailer we really need to start filming, and take Seb and Chadwick with you. You have your first scene with Bucky and T'challa, you know that right ?" 

I nodded and replied in a bubly voice "I definitely do, mr. Russo. No need to worry, AGENT MAIZE ON DUTY!"

Yeah, my on screen name is Ariana Maize which later turns out to be Ariana Laufeyson/Odinson (I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, SHE'S LOKI'S DAUGHTER BUT LAUFEYSON OR ODINSON. PLEASE HELP ME IN THE COMMENTS!) because in the starting of the movie no one knows who I am except for the fact that I was an ex-Hydra agent who was rescued by the Avengers when she was 6. The good thing is the short form of my name is Ari, which is my real school nickname and apparently most of the avengers call me that.

I walked over to Seb and put a toy handcuff on his hand and said "Alright, you're under arrest for not going to the hair and makeup trailer faster and you're going there with me NOW!" he gave me that 'aww' face and I walked over to Chad doing the same him and getting the same reaction but with a better laugh.

Now we were in the trailer practicing our scripts as Amy, Morticia and Jamiana did our hair and makeup. They actually had quite a lot of makeup artists on set and the there were 4 hair and makeup trailers with about space for 3 people each in them.

For my entry scene I actually fight some Hydra agents with Bucky and T'challa or shall I say mr. Barnes and mr. T'challa (I NEED ANOTHER HELP, SHALL IT BE MR. T'CHALLA OR MR. UDAKU AS IN LIKE MANY PEOPLE SAY IT'S HIS SURNAME, RIGHT ?) as I call them in the movie.

Soon we were done and called on by the brothers, everyone told me I looked cute and stuff, most of them were in costume I think for the next scene or something, but soon everyone went quite and we started doing the scene. We did it around 18 times and finally were done.

They all appreciated me and told me that I was amazing at acting and I did too well for my first time acting, but I was just way too tired to give them something except a little smile and a thanks.

Tom and Lizzie had a scene which they filmed before lunch so, we could out and not be in a hurry. Well, I took a great nap on Anthony's lap, I guess his thighs are as great as he said because I could really use them as pillows. (YOU GUYS ARE SUCH DIRTY MINDED PEOPLE, DUDE!) 

When they were done shooting, Anthony woke me up and said that we were going out to eat which was great as I was starving.

We were taking random cars so, I just don't know whose is which. I sat in the car with Tom driving, Lizzie in the passenger seat and Sebastian, Anthony and I in the back. We were stuffed. Soon after we were at the restaurant but when I thought, my day was getting better and better, I saw.....


💚💙TAKE CARE......BYE.....💙💚

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