CH:9 - Hi!

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Y/N POV :-

I woke from the sound of laughter from downstairs, it's probably just my mom talking to dad in her extra loud voice. I had really good night sleep last night for 2 reasons.

First, as I was tired as shit.

Second, I got to sleep on my bed after a whole day and half. Last night, wasn't very nice, but Tom's chest and Mackie's lap was pretty comfy.

After about 5 mins, I decided to get up so I blindly searched for my phone on the nightstand and unplugged it from the charger. I barely opened one eye and stared at time as my phone displayed '9:17 a.m.'

Once I organized everything in my mind, I realized that Tom was going to come pick me up. So, I hurried and stood up and that's when my mom came in slightly screaming "Y/n! Get up, Tom's here!" through gritted teeth but with a smile. I felt my face go pale as I just nodded and went into the washroom.

After about 15 mins, I was done and heading downstairs while tripping for the millon-th time in the attempt to wear my socks while walking. As I approach the area where the stairs took a turn, I saw Tom sipping his tea and talking to Skyle, my mom, sis and dad, well basically my whole family. When I tripped another time, Tom turned his head to look at me and instantly gave me the polite smile. I smiled back at him and tried to shout which more came out as a squeak "Hi!" and he just chuckled. 'God I need to practice more on how to talk to marvel cast without squeaking or fangirling' I thought. As I was about to reach the bottom, I tripped and fuck I knew this was going to hurt so, I just closed my eyes as I heard a 'shit! shit! shit!' mumble and opened my eyes to see Tom running towards me and his Loki run, slipping on his socks and soon enough holding my hand with his left arm and holding the wall with his right.

At that moment, we were scared to our shits and soon started panting and when thing calmed down, I walked downstairs with Tom still holding my hand, rubbing my back and whispering sweet nothings in my ear. We both sat down and started laughing for no reason along with Skyle and sis.

"Well, that was a save. Thanks man!" Skyle said absolutely grateful.

Tom just gave them a laugh and said "It's no problem. She's one of our family members too, now, right ? Had to." He was still quite suffering from something, shock ? worry ? tension ?

My train of thoughts crashed into Tom's words when he said "Hey y/n, time to go. It's almost 10. Let's go." I nodded and stood and went to wear my shoes as he thanked my parents and we bided our goodbyes.

Currently, we were in Tom's car, me in passenger seat and Tom in the driver's. Tom was still looking a bit flushed and me not being able to hold the pressure any longer, I decided to talk to him about it "Hey Tom?"

He just hummed back in response.

"Are you OK ?" I questioned

He just gave a smile and said "Yes love, I'm fine. Is something bothering you about me today?"

I first shook my head in 'No' and then said "Nothing, It's just that you looked a bit stressed today and I'm kinda worried."

He just smile and took my small hands into his large ones and held them tight close to his heart as I looked at him with confusion. "Feel those beats and calm down love. I'm fine and so, are you." Tom said without even looking at me as I giggled and mumbled under my breath "You are the best and I love you so much Tom"

I felt his smile get even wider as he replied "I love you too my love or shall I say my daughter."

After a while, probably 20 mins or something, we were at the set. As soon as I got down from the car, Tom knelt in front of me so, now he was equal to my height from his gigantic height of course. He grabbed my face with both of his hands in a really gentle fatherly manner as I sunk into his touch, He started "Hey love, please look at me." I did as said and he smiled as he continues "Love, you must know that I love with all my heart and it beats for you half the time. I know, I just met you 2 days ago, but I just can't stop thinking the best for you. I know you can make good decisions and that you are smart, very smart. You were wondering why I was stressed and worried right? I was worried about you my love. Just keep yourself safe, please. For me? Please don't hurt yourself, hun. Here, I'm gonna trust you and you are gonna give me the pocket knife whenever you feel good, alright?"

I just nodded and he gave me smile with eyes shining from tears? Tom was crying for me and that absolutely broke me down and I hugged me as if my life depended on it and started sobbing. Like, I mean, how would you react if the idol you always looked up to was crying for you when you just met him 2 days ago.

Tom slowly pulled and wiped my tears with his thumb then his own with his shirt. He then turned around and gestured me to get on his back that I did with little giggle.

He stood up and we went into set where we were greeted by Lizzie, the rest of the cast and a new girl...


💚💙BYEEE......TAKE CARE.....LOVE YA......💙💚

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