Kairo Alec

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Kairo was stunned with the question.

He just realized that not one
asked him about—him.

It was always Kairo Alec Blackwell,
but not Kairo himself.

Until Vela—his mother–asked him.

Growing up, he never played with kids his age. He didn't do hang outs or parties. He isolated himself in his room and buried himself with countless of books. He dreamt to be a great wizard. To change the Wizarding World and to carry out his name for good.

At first, he was disappointed that his biological parents left him. But deep inside, he knew that they had a reason. And he never questioned about the absence of his parents again.

He did felt a sense of longing for the love of
a mother and father. The Blackwells weren't particularly affectionate towards him or to anyone at all.

They handed him the goods and needs, but that's about it. All he had was himself and his books.

At an early age, he accidentally discovered that he was capable of greater things. He can speak to snakes and condone magic that no typical wizard or witch can.

He wondered if he got it from his parents.
Well then he was a lucky kid.

"When I was a kid, I loved and still do love reading. I locked myself in my room just to finish the books on my shelf. I loved inventing and research about light and dark magic. I was then sent to Durmstrang..." Kairo began

"I practiced dark magic at the age of 13. I was able to do extraordinary things that no young witch or wizard can do. My professors heard of my talent and gave me the opportunity to expand my magic. After graduating, I worked at the ministry as an auror. I was able to help my co-aurors by teaching them the curses and spells I have created. And, well they worked perfectly well. I was rewarded due to that. Because of the power of my magic and knowledge, people feared me. I shut everyone out and...it has been like that ever since." He finished

Tom and Vela stared at him. With proudness and a hint of sadness in their eyes.

"You have grown so much, Kairo." Tom whispered "And I wasn't there to watch you."

Kairo sadly smiled, "We're all complete now. That's all I've ever wanted."

"Was it scary?" Vela asked

"What was?" asked Kairo

"Doing it alone." she said

"It was at the beginning. But I worked myself through it." said Kairo

Vela noticed the golden locket that was rested on his neck. She furrowed her eyebrow and Tom noticed.

"Darling?" called Tom

"That necklace..." she whispered

Kairo looked down and held it out for them to see clearly.

"You still have it." said Tom

"It was the only thing I have left from you two." Kairo told them

"It was a picture of Tom and I. It was our winter ball." Vela softly smiled

"You still have that?" Tom was shocked

"Yes, I guess so." she shrugged

Kairo opened the locket and showed them the old photo. Tom had his arm wrapped around Vela's waist and both smiled to the camera, their eyes clearly showing how happy they were.

"Time flies fast." Tom sighed

"Will it be like that again?" Vela wondered

"If you want it to be, I can find a way." said Tom

"Okay." Vela slowly nodded her head

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Malfoy's and the Riddle's are now gathered at the living room. They all sat in silence, waiting for someone to break the thin ice.

Tom heavily sighed and leaned comfortably on the armchair.

"Lucius, call Severus." Tom commanded, making Vela frown

Lucius pointed his wand towards his dark mark and muttered something. In the next second, Severus Snape appeared in all his black cloak glory.

The scene that was placed in front of him made Severus halt. The Malfoy's, a well-known professor, and a Dark Lord all in one frame is a sight to see.

"My Lord." Severus bowed his head

"Severus, I have decided on something. Yet, I need a helpful hand to assist me on this. Will you be up for it?" Tom raised a brow

"What have you decided on, my Lord?" asked Severus

"I'm going back to Hogwarts."

Short chapter but the next
one will be longer!

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