Chapter One: Last Day With Humanity

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

After school it was another boring day. The same old same old. I was chilling on the bridge near my house to get a piece of mind. Then when I turn around to walk home I see this woman. I was so stunned, because she was so beautiful. She had beautiful long black hair going down to her waist. She had a white shirt with Jean shorts on and she then talked to me. "Um, can I please ask you a question?" She said in a cute calm soothing voice. I replied with "Yea sure what is it?" She then said something I didn't expect. "Um, if you're alright with it I would like to be your girlfriend". I had a shocked expression on my face after she said that. "Are you sure you're talking to me? Did you mean to say this to someone else?" "No silly I'm talking to you. You are Jake Nicholson right?" "I am." Then I asked for her name when she said, "Oh silly me I forgot to tell you my name. My name is Yuma." I said "then how about we go on a date, on Sunday at 11 if you're free." Then she said with an excited cute voice and said "sure."

—————————Scene Break—————————

It was 11:15 am and she was 15 minutes late. "Man, she's pretty late." Then I heard someone shout "Sorry!" Then when I turned around I see a beautiful girl in a nice white dress with little frills at the end and she had her hair tied back into a ponytail. I also notice the cute hair piece she was wearing. It was silver and had a blue gem inside it, and this was holding her hair in a ponytail. While I was looking at her beauty I had a stunned and stupid look on my face it didn't look bad but made me look goofy. I then snapped back to reality when she said, "Do I look weird, you're making me self conscious." I got out of my stunned phase and then I said while rubbing the back of my head." No, I was just stunned by how beautiful you look." When I finished this sentence I saw her fidgeting with her hand while blushing pretty hard, as she said "oh thank you." I laughed at how cute and nervous she looked. She then pouted and puffed out her cheeks very cutely. Then I said "Im sorry for laughing at you. You just looked so cute and adorable. Know what to make up to you I'll buy you a sundae." I said this while pointing at the sweet shop down the road. Her face brightened up immediately and then ran down the street while calling my name telling me to hurry up. Then when we got a booth in the sweet shop I said, Hey Yuma, what made you come to like me and ask me out on a date?" Then she blushed as she said, "I just thought you were so cool, kind, and cute." I then thought in my head 'wait I'm cool, kind, and cute is she alright?' I came out of my thoughts when I realized some of the sundae was dripping on my leg. Then Yuma frantically gave me a napkin to clean up my mess. After the sweet shop we went to the arcade after that we went shopping. I bought her a cute little fluffy wrist bracelet from one of the gift shops in the plaza. Then before we knew it was 8:00pm

—————————Scene Break—————————

Me and Yuma were walking down one of the pathways in the park to go to the fountain. At that time I was gonna try to end the date off with a bang. I asked her, "Did you have a good time, Yuma?" She replied with "yes I did, I had a lot of fun today." She said with a smile. Then I tried to take it a step forward to end the date off, but I was cut off from my thoughts as Yuma said "hey Jake can you do something for me it's a tiny thing." I then thought 'holy crap she wants me to kiss her' I thought excitedly to myself. I then got out of my thoughts and said "sure what is it?" Yuma then stepped closer to me to where we were staring into each other's eyes. We were so close I could smell her perfume that smelled really good like blooming flowers in spring. I got out of the trance as she began to say "good then could you please." As I waited in anticipation I realized her face was getting emotionless and then when she started to talk. Her voice was a bit deeper but still girlish like a mature woman instead of a school girl. "Die for me?" I then was stunned not realizing what she said as I thought I heard it wrong. "Um, Yuma, can you say that again I think my ears are messing with me. Could you repeat that?" Then she said it again to my horror "I said will you die for me Jake." When she finished that sentence I felt a sharp burning pain in my abdomen. I wanted to feel where the pain was coming from, but before I could I collapsed. Now on the ground I heard Yuma say the last words I'll ever hear while sitting on the fountain's edge. "You are a very naïve boy and very stupid, honestly if you are looking for someone to blame. Blame him he gave you the sacred gear." She said with distain in her voice. I then thought 'what the hell is she talking about.' As I thought this I threw up blood all over myself. She then started to leave the area as she said "have fun dying Jake I'll miss you so much." After she said this she blew a kiss my way. For me though the only thing I could do is stare at her with hatred in my eyes until everything went black. Then I thought 'what a bitch. This is the only girl I ever went out with and she killed me. She couldn't even let me get a kiss before I died. I guess this is the end huh.' That was the last thing I ever thought... As a human


If u like longer chapters then go to chapter 11 it doubles in word count after it. Here's the Outro song you fuckers. Hope you enjoyed the Chapter. Goodbye for now.

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