Chapter Twenty Four: Regained Power

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

—————On The Outside World——————

     Jake was on the ground and saw something from the corner of his eye and looked over to see there were 8 card pieces, 7 were blue and 1 was black. He then heard a cracking sound and looked towards the heart gem that was broken and little by little, the pieces fell to the ground. One by one the pieces of the gem disappeared. Jake just watched the pieces disappear little by little like whispers in the wind. He felt like going to sleep, but he wanted to urgently know something. "A... Albion... are... are you there?" Jake said weakly from what just occurred. [Yes... something... came and... substituted for... me] Albion said weakly as he had felt his power core merge with something else, when he re-entered Jake. Albion also didn't want to mention Vali at the moment it would prove harmful to Jake. "W... Well let's take... a break." Jake said when he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Darkness was what dominated in the cave, that darkness was accompanied by an enormous silence, within that silence was Jake, who had awakened a few minutes ago. But he didn't move or even make any sound. He was just enjoying that silence, the peace that came to him in those moments. "Mm... I feel... weird." Jake said in a faint tone, that it sounded like a whisper. He tried to move but his body did not respond to him, he was not injured but when trying to do something, he felt a strange pain. "Hngh... I better stay this way." Jake said in a tone devoid of emotions as he felt defeated by not being able to move. He gave up on doing something and sank back into the silence and darkness of the cave as his mind was the only one that was active, many ideas, questions passed from one place to another, but there were three that were constant. The first was the feeling of immeasurable emptiness that he felt, it was as if it was just indifference, he did not know that it was that emptiness. The second was his body, he remembered that in the ritual he had been wounded but he did not feel any wound on his body, but he did feel the dried blood that ran through his whole body from his feet to the head. The third was Divine Dividing, he didn't feel it anywhere in your body, nothing. He tried to sense Albion, but he could not, neither his presence nor his power and aura. It was as if he was not there, it made him feel as if he were alone again. But all his thoughts stopped when he felt a small pulse in his head and after it, came a well-known voice. [Shit... that... that.... hurts] Albion sounded weak and tired. It was the voice of Albion but this was not the normal tone of voice, despite being in a tired state, it sounded deeper like a rumble but he did not think much about it because he quickly attempted to communicate with Albion. "Albion, are you there?" When he finished saying those words, Jake noticed his own tone transmitted concern, but strangely he did not feel it and that worried him, if he had changed to an emotionless husk. [Agh... Yes... I... am... partner. How... are you] He may have sounded tired but there was some worry in his tone. Jake then said, "I... don't know, my body is acting strange." [Well... that worked] "So it seems." [I can hardly stay awake anymore, so you have to be fast, stretch your left hand.] "But I can't." [You can, the pain you have is phantom pain from the ritual, moving a little should be enough for you] Jake listened to Albion, and tried to move, it was difficult but not impossible. Little by little, his stiff arm was moving until he stretched it out completely, along with his hand. He began to do the same with his right hand, while taking deep breaths, remembering that the pain was only in his mind, beginning to do the same with the rest of his body. Finally, turning his body over, so now he was laying on his stomach. "Damn, I still can't stand." Jake said annoyed that his body still did not fully cooperate. He dragged himself little by little towards the small fire that set over near there the magic circle. When he arrived, he noticed a bookcase next to the fire and there were books on the ground from the ritual. He looked at them briefly and began to take the books and threw them into the fire and in the end he ended up throwing all the books into the flames. Albion then asked, [What.... Ha.. happened during that] "Well what happened was..." Jake then started to explain.

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