Chapter Thirty Four: To Reclaim Someone

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

     After Eric finishes the chant he explodes in a green aura flattening the area and breaking down the temple. They start falling towards the ground. Eric and Shalba start fighting mid air. Shalba shoots holy energy beams at Eric. Eric roared and deflected Shalba's attacks. Once on the ground Eric flew towards Shalba and tried to bite him. Shalba put up a barrier but was too late and Eric bit his arm and ripped it off. Eric spat it out as if he ate a putrid apple. Shalba said in retaliation, "Don't play with me. Face my light of judgment if you dare." Shalba held out his remaining hand and it had one of Ophis's snakes on it and he used his power to fully enveloped Eric in holy energy. Eric roared in pain and used his tail to smash the circle under him undoing the spell. "How did he overcome my power?" Shalba got angrier and said, "Why must you stand in my way?! DIE." Shalba jumped up and took off his cape and shot a holy beam at him. Eric in return shot a dragon's breath at him, taking his other arm. Eric smashed the ground, and roared while releasing Ddraig's aura in the form of a beam and a shockwave that followed. Shalba made the realization and said, "You bastard this creature must be The Dragon Of Domination." Eric stepped up closer towards Shalba and his center hatch opened and he began to start boosting. [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] [Boost] Kiba shouted at Rias, "Rias we can't stay here if we do all of us are going to die. I don't want to leave him either but we must." Rias says, "No I won't." "Rias!" Koneko says, "Sorry Rias but we need to leave." Koneko grabs Rias and she nods to the others as they start flying away to hopefully get to a safe place.

While they were talking Eric was boosting, [Boost x964] A long pause started and then you hear. [Longinus SMASHER] An intense concentrated beam shot out of Eric and enveloped Shalba. Shalba says, "Damn you, damn you Red Dragon Emperor DAMN YOU POWER!" Shalba was completely eviscerated, not a speck of dust was left of him.

Eric starts shooting dragon beams in the air while shooting hundreds of green bullet like projectiles. Eric starts looking at the Old Satan Faction devils and he starts to kill them mercilessly. While killing them there were some casualties of The Alliance; many Devils, Fallen Angels, and Angels died to the hands of Eric. Azazel contacted Rias when he saw Eric causing havoc in the distance, "RIAS what has happened to Eric why is he a rampaging dragon?!" "Asia died in front of him and Shalba Beelzebub killed her." "So he was here too. I had to deal with Crueserey Asmodeus." "Well what should we do? How do we get him to turn back." "I'm going to be honest, Rias I don't know if we'll be able to bring him back." "We brought Jake back, why can't we bring Eric back." "Because we got lucky with Jake. Lightning won't strike twice. Rias we might not be able to bring him back. We also don't have someone that's able to weaken him. Sirzech and Odin are busy right now so see if you can contact Jake's team and see if they can come in and help us." "Got it." Rias calls Kuroka since she's the only one she is able to contact. 'Come on please pick up.' "Hello Rias? Aren't you in the middle of a game?" "Sorry to spring this on you guys but we need your help Eric has gone into a state like Jake and the game went haywire the Khaos Brigade interrupted it and we need you guy's to help control Eric." "I understand but only Cao Cao can handle him so I will ask him to go over there. The rest of us will die but he has a chance with his Balance Breaker or if it comes to it, The Truth Idea." With that the call ended now waiting for Cao Cao they watched the destruction Eric is causing.

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