Chapter Twenty Six: Back To Her

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

It's the next morning and I'm currently in the mansions bathroom brushing my teeth. Albion then asks, [So Jake about Kuroka] I then thought to Albion while packing up my stuff. 'What about her?' [I know you like her so why don't we bring her with us] 'Before I do that I have to talk to Akeno about having multiple woman.' [I see. It does make sense if you come home and you bring another girlfriend with you] 'Well I'll figure it out eventually, for now I'm not going to bring her since it'll just cause unnecessary drama.' [Okay partner, well I'm going to sleep] I then was done packing up when we finished our conversation and I then went to the living room and wrote a note saying, "It's been fun guys but I'm leaving now bye. -Vali." I then teleported back to Kouh.

———————Scene Break Kouh——————

I'm in front of my door as I sigh and knocked on the door. *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* I then stepped back as I waited for the door to open. But then I scanned the house for anyone's aura then realized that no one would hear me since they're far away from the door. I then walked though the door using magic and I look around, honestly this place looks a little more run down since I saw it last, "Did I really effect everyone here this much since my incident and hospitalization." I then walked to the kitchen and I see on my fridge that it was 10:52 am. "My mom is in her room I should go to her now." I then walk over to her door and I open it a little and I see her sleeping silently. I then opened it and walk towards her bedside. I noticed she had tears in her eyes as I patted her head and said, "It's time to wake up." She made a noise and turned over. I then conjured some water in my hand and threw it on her. My mom then shot up and when she saw me she instantly hugged me crying while muttering out, "Is.. It... really yo... you?" I hugged her back and said, "Yes it's me mom it's me I'm back." She continued to break down in my arms and honestly it hurt me a little to know she was hurting so much. I then said, "It's alright I won't leave you ever again." We then hugged there for a good bit. When she was done hugging me her eyes were red and puffy. I then told her, "I'm going to the school to surprise Akeno do you want to come with?" She then said, "Yes." Me and my mom started walking towards the school. During this she asked me some questions, "What happened to you when Vali took over." I was surprised when she said that name then I explained, "He mentally tortured me and I saw Akeno die thousands of times over and over and over. I eventually broke but thankfully I was brought back by someone eventually I battled Vali for dominance over this body." I then rubbed my head as I said, "I may have died in there but again I was brought back to life by some force and killed Vali. Then my consciousness resurfaced and I talked to everyone, but then I developed a curse." Liz then asked, "What was it?" "It was Dragon's Blight." Liz then had a curious face as she asked, "What is that?" I then explained what Albion told me, "Albion said Dragons Blight is a curse that affects only dragons. It is a curse where the body is being corrupted by strong emotional damage this is also how Evil Dragons are born albeit I was going through the process differently." She nodded as she said, "How did you cure it? You are cured right?" "Yes I'm cured now you might have visited me seeing black spirals on my chest." She nodded I continued, "The way I treated it can easily be summed up in a single word hell. It was more painful then going through Samael's poison which is one of the most painful things to endure." Liz then grown a concerned face, "Are you okay?" I chuckled and said, "I am now but my spirit, body, and mind was broken. However I'm through it and Albion gave me his entire being to save me, meaning we're not blood related anymore and I'm now classified as a Heavenly Dragon." Liz then says, "Well your still my brat blood or not." I smiled and said, "I couldn't agree more." We then reached the school entrance as I said, "Cya mom you can wait for me at home." Liz waved to me and said, "I'll see you later." I then walked towards the main office and when they identified me they were surprised, because my file said I was deceased. The woman working attendance called me into the office I then shock my head and said, "I would like to go to my class to surprise someone. At the end of the school day you can ask your questions is that alright?" She sighed and asked one of the principals and they gave me the go ahead. I then walked towards the stairs to go to the 2nd floor. (This is the 3rd floor in America) I continued down the hall as I then was in front of the door to my class. 'God why am I so nervous and anxious?' [Its because you have been away from your mate even I would be anxious] I then took in a deep breath as I then knocked *Knock* *Knock* The teacher then came over to the door as I then pulled her out as I then told her, "I know it's surprising to see me but can you help me surprise a certain student." She smirked and said, "I could do that for you." "Buuuut?" "I want you to tell me where you were I was worried when you stop attending class for a week and now it's been 6 months. I worry for my students you know." I then said, "Well alright acceptable." She then walked back into the class as I heard her say, "Well everyone looks like we have a special guest coming in class today." There were curious faces on all the students. She then turned to me and said, "You may come in." I gulped and walked in and I stopped in front of the class as I said, "Hello I'm returning to school starting today, my name is Jake Gwiber." I then saw Akeno's head shot up as she was resting her head and she looked at me. I looked at her and she ran up to hug me she then said, "Is it really you Jake?" I then embraced her as she then let go and kissed me in front of everyone. I accepted her kiss. But then we separated and she said, "How are you here you were in a coma everyone thought you died from that." I then said, "Don't worry I won't leave you but I have one thing to say to you, I'm sorry I've been gone for awhile, but I will never leave you again. I will stay with you even when this universe ends." I then looked at the teacher and she moved her hand as if she told me I could leave the class. I then accepted as I pulled Akeno in the hallway as I then gave her a passionate kiss. Akeno then accepted and we kissed for a bit until, I pulled away and said, "Well do you want to go home?" She then nodded and said, "Yes I would love to." I then started walking to the main office as I couldn't break my promise. I then told Akeno to stay in the chair as I walking into one of the principal's offices, "Hello Mr. Nicholson I would like to know why your file said you were deceased when your clearly alive." I then said, "Yes well I was attacked and was hospitalized for many months at one time I was pronounced as dead but that was an accidental diagnosis I was in a coma then when I woke up I was going through physical therapy, because I was stabbed in a place where it made it so I couldn't move and then I got out and came here to surprised a student that I was alive." He then wrote this down and said, "Alright you can go back to class now thank you for answer my questions. I then said, "Could I actually get excused from school today along with the student Akeno Himajima." He then said, "Let's see." He then looked through his computer to see if we both were model students and then he said, "Since your a model student I will allow it have a nice day." I then said, "Thank you." He then gave me a slip to give to attendance so I could leave. I then walk out of his office as I then walked to Akeno, "Let's go home." She said, "Yes lets." Me and Akeno started to walk away from the school as we went into an alley way so we can teleport from there to the house.

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