12. First Mission

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On Monday I received my clearances, which was kind of exciting, but... It made me uneasy. Now I was allowed to go around the inner base. That was occupied by one-hundred and twenty alphas. Give or take. As the only omega. Right at the beginning of the rutting season.

I wondered if Stoll had stalled my transfer to make sure I'd start my career in this unit at the worst possible moment... These alphas didn't have to deal with omegas. They never had to learn self-control. And I was hated enough as it was for being allowed to join their precious unit...

I tried not to think about it. But someone else was thinking about it.

"Now your tag works all around the base, wherever you have high enough clearances," Captain told me when he gave my tag back in his office. "But... I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you not to leave home without company. For now. I don't like having to restrict you more than the others, or give you rules they don't have to follow, but I believe it is for the best. Like I said, just for now. Let's give it a month and see how things are going after that."

I nodded slowly, staring at my black tag. "So until the rutting season is over..."

"I'm sorry, Riley, but I don't trust anyone outside my team," he said. "It's my job to protect my team by any means necessary."

"It's fine," I said, pocketing my tag. "You think I want to go out there alone?"

"No, I don't," he said. "I'm sure there's always someone who'll gladly accompany you. Ash and Rio are the go-to guys. They're always up for anything. And I'm sure Reid will start following you around soon enough."

I snorted in amusement. "A lone wolf like him?"

He chuckled a little. "It always happens. You won't really see anyone here without their partner close by. Even I'm uneasy not knowing exactly where Nico is right now, even though he's right there upstairs. Or should be."

I watched him when he turned to look at the ceiling like he was trying to hear his partner. I could tell he was getting a bit anxious right before he forced his attention back to me and smiled.

"Let's move on before my alpha can convince me to go find our partner, shall we?" he asked cheerily, but he took a quick glance at the ceiling again.

"Sure," I said, chuckling.

It was... kind of a nice thought... To have a partner like that... Always making sure I was close by... And vice versa. Someone so close I couldn't relax without him. Them.

Fuck, I never thought I'd want something like that.

"Now off to the annoying part..." Captain said, grabbed a massive pile of papers from his desk, and put them in front of me.

"Uhh... Sir?" I glanced at him.

He gave me an apologetic smile. "There's a bit of signing to do. These are your contracts."

"Con... contracts? Like... Plural?"

"I'm afraid so," he said, and took the first contract from the pile. "This should be... Yes. This is the main contract."

It had like twenty papers stapled together.

"Oh, boy..." I breathed out.

It sure was annoying. There were contracts for everything. The main one was about my employment, the next about me having to keep my mouth shut about pretty much everything. There were insurance contracts for everything from my health and life to my belongings. There was a contract for my living arrangements at the base, and another if I wanted to keep a house outside the base. I had to sign papers to agree to have my movements tracked with the tag, and give them permission to track how I used the phone issued to me. There was one massive contract for the weapons at my disposal, and another one about using and maintaining the belongings the army would give me or let me use. There even was a fucking contract for any vehicles I wanted to bring and park inside the base. And a contract if I wanted to get buried in the base in case my family wasn't going to pick up my remains...

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