30. Small Situation

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When I woke up the next time, I'd almost forgotten Reid was watching over me. I froze for a second when I felt a heavy hand resting on my side, and the strong chest under my head, but my senses quickly informed me this alpha who held me was just my partner. I relaxed and yawned, then rubbed my cheek against Reid.

"Morning," he murmured quietly.

"Morning... Wait... It's not actually morning, right?" I mumbled and peered around.

"Nah. You slept like an hour or so," he told me. "Feeling better now?"

I shrugged. "Haven't decided yet..."

He hummed and hugged me gently. "There's no rush."

"Good..." I murmured and closed my eyes again.

I was still groggy, and keeping my eyes open was a task, so I wasn't even going to try. And Reid kept caressing me without saying a word... I probably would've fallen back to sleep if I'd managed to keep my head empty.

But I didn't, and even though I tried to keep my head empty, I couldn't really stop my thoughts. But I guess... I guess it was safe enough to face what happened. Reid was there to watch over me, so...

Captain... he found them... those people who bought me... I still couldn't believe I wasn't legally adopted. I was bought from a farm, like I was just... cattle. Of course... It should've been obvious... I'd known they just wanted to use me to make babies for sale... I'd learned that the moment I had my first heat. Why did I ever believe I was legally adopted?

Maybe I wasn't ready to face it, after all...

I let out a deep breath and curled tighter around my partner, who probably could tell I was getting a little distressed because he suddenly purred at me lightly. That purr, especially when it continued, calmed me and forced those thoughts out of my head.

He was telling me I was all right now. That everything was fine.

I focused on him until I felt calm enough to think about what Captain did for me last night. Guts and drills...

"They'll have nightmares about me for years to come."

I suppose they would, yes... If they survived... They'd be jailed for years... Up to twenty years, was it? They had stolen twenty years of my life, and now they would lose twenty years of theirs. On top of a few lost body parts...

They were never putting their hands on me ever again...

I was safe from them...

I let out another deep breath. I was done thinking about them. Instead, I focused on Reid and just enjoyed the warmth and closeness. I'd never had this kind of closeness before... I'd never had anyone watch over me while I slept. I'd never had anyone guard me like Reid did. All I'd ever felt was pain...

Reid rested his head against mine and purred a little louder, taking away those bad thoughts again. My omega woke up to listen to this alpha, and soon, a little purr escaped my throat as well. I blushed a little. My omega and I... We'd never done that before. It was odd... But nice...

And honestly... I didn't want to waste my time thinking about those people who bought me. That part of my life was over now. Erased. I survived and got this far, and this life was so much better than I ever dared to hope for. I got to experience all these good things now. This life was my reward, and I refused to let the people from my past ruin that for me.

They got what they deserved, and I had the feeling their torment was far from over.

Eventually, I got too hungry to stay in bed, and no matter how much I enjoyed this closeness with Reid, my growling stomach was getting louder by the minute.

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