Chapter Four- Game Day

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It's Thursday evening, 8:00pm to be exact and the girls and I are scarfing down pizza in the dining hall with our nursing scrubs still on, may I add.

We all got out of clinical at 7:30pm and didn't feel like cooking afterwards nor spending any money today.

"Guys I don't know if this is the best pizza I've ever eaten or I'm just hungry." Shayla says taking another bite into her pizza.

"I think you just hungry." Jaz replies with a giggle.

Cafe food has its' days. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's uneatable. I promise I'm not exaggerating. I mean who eats shrimp and ranch in a sub then serves it. They should be behind bars immediately.

But like Shayla said. Today it's hitting.

I took a sip of my tea then ate another bite of my pizza. "It taste like heaven." I moan.

Jaz scrunches up her nose glancing at me. I look at her shrugging my shoulders.

Shayla then finished her last bite of her pizza and groans "And to think we have to do this all over again tomorrow."

She's talking about clinical. Yes we have to get up early Friday which is tomorrow for clinical. This time she goes to L & D while Jaz and I have our first clinical together this semester which is the ER.

"True. But at least I'll have Jaz tomorrow." I smiled bumping Jaz's shoulder. Jaz mirrored my smile.

Shayla frowned "So not fair."

"Well at least your in L&D." Jaz tried cheering her up.

"Yeah maybe I'll get to see a birth tomorrow." She smiled.

Jaz and I both nodded our heads in response.

"Well are we ready?" I asked the girls. Hinting at the time.

"Yeah let's go."


After we all made our way into the dorm. We took turns showering then shared our clinical stories from today with each other. Jaz explained show she got to go to the OR on the L&D unit and see a tubal ligation but not before she got to witness them do a spinal block.


Shayla shared how she sat in one of her patients room and played fortnight for hours. She then had gotten the chance to do pin care on one of her pediatric patients who had a traction halo.

I'm jealous. I mean I don't know how to play fortnight, but how cute is that?

I shared how one of my ICU patients had a family member who so happened to be a nurse. She was very encouraging of every skill I got to perform on her family member. She was more encouraging then some nurses that I've had as an preceptor.

I had an great day today besides that fact of my stomach literally touching my back after finally leaving clinical.

"Clinical paperwork?" Shayla question.

Jaz sighed, "clinical paperwork." She confirmed.

We all got out our paperwork and began to fill it out. Before going to each clinical there is assigned paperwork we have to do and bring with us. It is suppose to prepare us for the site we have that day.

We always do our clinical paperwork together before our clinical days. It's just easier to complete your work when you look across and see someone else working just as hard.

After completing our clinical paperwork we decided to call it a night and get ready to wake up at the crack of dawn.


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